Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 46 - Struggle Bus

All aboard! John and I hopped on the struggle bus at the same time today. It was bound to happen. I awoke this morning feeling nauseous. I could not bring myself to eat any breakfast, or have coffee. I was afraid I'd get sick to my stomach. Is this what a "sick" day on the road is like? I just wanted to crawl back in bed. But I had to at least try. I start getting ready, pretending this is not happening. I'm thinking it may pass, and I'll be okay. John and I were to meet at the conv store around 5 am. We both vocalize our woes. Yet, still got needed items, and slowly got started. Maybe if we just "move on", things will pan out.
I pull ahead, and try to find my regular pace. Not gonna happen today. I try to run, nope. It's going to be a "get there when you get there" kind of day. After a couple of hours, I decide to try and eat the bread from a sandwich I bought this morning. I find the bread quite tasty. I'll do that today, bland things only. A hour or so later, I have half a Cliff bar and half a banana. So far, so good! I keep moving. It's a 41 mile day to Cabool.
Mid-morning, John calls me and says he can hardly keep a 2 mph pace. He says he may not make it to Cabool. He wants me to call and change motel arrangements. We talk, and finalize our plan. He may still try and get to Cabool, but he'll have to see how the day goes. He does want me to go on into Cabool. He "sees no reason, if I can make it well, to not go". He then insinuates that I may be getting ahead of him - at his request- and that may be our future. That's a scary thought to me. I appreciate him being able to project it, so it won't be a surprise. I'll need to wrap my head around that. He's always bounced back from getting a little behind. I still have hope it will all work out like that. He sets our milage, as it's a goal of his to finish this in his "record" time. I'm just along for the ride!!
I'm feeling better, but not 100%. I accept that, and will consider it a "sick" day on the road, as I'm able to keep moving. Just not my usual self.
The rain continues to plague us. Off and on today - good rain. So far. Hills are all around. It's just beautiful!!! The temperature is perfect, too. Lots of good things going on around me.
I'll keep moving. My best today is just that. I'm doing my best under the circumstances. The book, The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz talks extensively about "Doing our best each day, and our best changes from day to day." Love that little book!
Have a great Saturday, and the final tally of what will "be" today is still to come.

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