Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Alexa, play Cool Change

So many things change that it seems nothing stays the same for long. It used to be farm things changing all the time. Okay, maybe it still is. But now, it's what's happening inside the house that's ebbing and flowing on the daily.

Driving vehicles on sister seems logical.
It is a hill.

The grandkiddos are growing. That's part of what changes constantly. Trying to keep up with it all is a task for their mama and papa (that's what their children them). Lauren and Ryan do a great job keeping up with these two. I'm a side show, taking them here and there, helping here and there, and watching them here and there. 

Big smiles all around with this lil girlie girl.
Olive is the Queen of Smiles 

I'll talk more about them in a bit, as they have changes happening in their own lives, too. 

Let's talk piggies, shall we?

Last blog post found me with a surprise pig (Baby) and learning what pig fights are all about. Fast forward and boom, they are fast friends. I would have never guessed it. I really had thought they'd always live separate based on their initial week or two. Then, they started trying to get through the fence to actually be together. They do sleep in separate pig houses mind you. But they eat together, play together and take naps beside each other in the afternoon sun. It's rather sweet. Pigs are herd animals, and they are their own herd now.

Maggie (left) and Baby (right)
Not the same breed of pig, people 😮

Char Char

I also last left you with Charlotte being welcomed into our dog pack. Talk about transitioning! She's gone through many phases of just trying to figure out her new life and who dropped her into this universe.

Her smile 

This is what the inside-dog-pack looks like
when I leave for work.
Lying together on the dog bed(s) in the 
laundry room. Usually with one of the kitty's. 

This was an evolution. When Charlotte first arrived, she was determined to not let me go to work without her. She would follow my truck down the gravel road. Yet, after Ryan (so kindly) would wake up early to keep her in the house until I could drive away, she eventually learned when I was leaving. Luckily, Ryan no longer has to get up early to watch her. As Char now understands my routine on work days. She knows the clothes I put on, and the certain words and pets I give just before I leave for the day. She's a smart girl. She's chosen me as her person and bonded strong. And her and Sugar are also working on their own bond, but that will take longer. With time though. With time.

Charlotte's favorite thing to do is sleep 
beside me, touching her paw to me
at all times in the night. It's like I've 
grown an extension of my body. 

I'm grateful for her, and her ability to grow into the pack with Maybe and Sugar. They are doing very well together. Char still barks at men like a mad dog, but I'm hoping that time will settle this down some. Hard to say what's happened in her past that causes this reaction. I often take the 3 pups out in my truck when I run errands, and Charlotte seems to really enjoy it. This is, until I take her, Maybe and Sugar in a dog-friendly store (Home Depot or Tractor Supply). Even though I'm working with her on staying calm around males, Char always ends up in air jail. In my arms screaming like prey. Throwing a crazy-eye-teeth-showing-full-on-panic-attack tantrum, until said male person moves away. Crazy Town ensues in times like these.
I wonder if she'll ever recover from whatever has happened to her in her past. It's typical rescue-pup behavior from one whose been hurt before. She's safe now, and I'll keep working with her on her trust issues. I have a feeling it'll be a lifetime of healing. I get it, Char. I, too just lost 200 lbs and find that maybe men are not prudent for me at this time, as I have a wealth of healing to do as well. I try to remind myself to do the best I can until I know better. Thank goodness we always try to work towards better. 

They enjoy being together 💟

This is their very favorite thing to do! (Mine too)
I did take the shaver to both of these sweeties.
Their longer fur attracts too many burrs - and
unknown smelly things from the farm. 

One thing is for sure, Sugar and I have a special bond, one of unbreakable strength. And to have another pup for her - and I - is extra special. I've come to understand how amazing these rescue pups really are. Their desire for love and safety is strong. I'm blessed they call me home. 

So what's new at home? 

Glad you asked! I've had the wonderful opportunity of selling eggs up front of the property for a few years now. David got me all set up awhile back and it's been going great.

The Egg Fridge

He made the bridge, put lights out, gravel around the bridge, and signs up. Pretty fancy, esp for a road-side stand. I love it.

Then one day recently, this fridge begin to show signs of wearing out and turning off on it's own. I'm not sure if it's the weather or just age, but the fridge stopped working. 

Oh dear, I thought. What now? Stop selling eggs? Only sell them to people I know? Take them to work? 

So I decided to make a trip to Home Depot and take a look at what they have (and prices) for a replacement egg fridge. And let me tell you, I've never had such a great Home Depot experience. I explained my needs of an egg fridge to the sales lady in appliances who got me all fixed up with a fridge for a great price that met my needs exactly. It's a touch smaller (which is great) and is only a fridge (no freezer - which is great). And she loaded it on a cart and wheeled it up front for me. Then I got 2 new outdoor extension cords on sale, and I was set. At the checkout line, 2 high schoolers working there promptly loaded it up without my asking, and proudly secured it in the back of my truck. I asked them to thank their mother's that night when they got home. For doing such a wonderful job teaching them how to assist and help others so willingly. And I gave them dinner-money even though I know I'm not supposed to do that. It's what mom's do. I was so grateful for this experience, help and positive energy that I received at Home Depot. There were such nice and kind people working there that late Saturday evening. It was like I was the only one in the store. 

So now to get it home and unload it on my own. You know what? I did it. I unloaded it out of the back of my truck and got it set up. I was so proud of myself. 

So excited to have a reliable egg fridge again

This road may not be well traveled by my farm,
but I sell out almost every day. 

It's so nice! A fridge only - with many shelves. I just love it. What did I do with the old fridge? I moved it further out front and down the way, and put a "free" sign on it. Within a day or two......it was gone. That's one of the things I love about living out here. You can put anything out front, and someone will take it. 

I'm going to back track a minute and mention another change that was made a couple of weeks ago, Lauren had begun to cook homemade cookies and sell them from the egg fridge.

Sugar cookies for sale
(old egg fridge)

And within a day or 2, they were all gone.
Apparently, cookies for sell, along with eggs
are a big hit. 

So her next batch of homemade cookies were choc chip with marshmallows. And there's only one baggie left of them. They also went fast. I'm glad someone is enjoying them!

There's room for cookies AND eggs 🍪🥚

I love the idea of selling items with an 
honesty policy and unattended money box.
People are organically honest.
And they probably laugh at my misspellings....

Back to the babies.....

One privilege of having my daughter's family living with me is the grandkids. I get to see them each day, and be a witness of their own changes and growth. And - watch Brooks evolve into many different occupations on the daily:

Soccer player 

Doesn’t everyone play soccer with a goat.

Yes, we raked leaves and put them in 
trash cans and buckets - 
then went and put them in the burn pile and
burned them.

Construction Worker

This construction worker
 builds many a building with his


We caught some blue gills, as the catfish were
so big that he was calling them
dolphins. And we did not reel in
any of those successfully.


Artist, maybe

Or even a gymnast. Who knows really what these children will do in their lives. I could even continue with trash collector, sweeper, and anything else you need done. He's always ALL in for assisting. He loves most all activities as most children do. Trying new things. Being brave when he’s afraid. Right now though, his occupation would most certainly include a vehicle that has wheels. And any vehicle, no matter farm, construction or rescue vehicle, he wants it in toy-form. Santa can't go wrong with this one.

In the mean time, Olive is heading towards a 6 month old birthday in a couple of weeks. She's getting a tooth. She's eating real puree food. She knows who her mama is. She is in love with her brother. She can't take her eyes off the ever-roaming dogs and kitty's around her. Mostly, she's a bundle of joy. Her nickname? Ollie

I have no words that can
accurately expressive this kind of love.
My daughter with her daughter.

So as things keep evolving around here, I can tell you that Lauren and her family are mulling over their own family decisions like working or going back to college, day care or no day care, and many other opportunities that can present themselves in this day and time of togetherness. All I know that it's ever changing around here, and that's okay. Change is great. Change is good. Change can be unsettling, uncertain or even hard. Yet, let's keep changing. I never want someone to feel shame for change in any way. After all, change is the only constant. You know what they say....change before you have to. 

Wait, there's one sweet girl I want to never change......

My Sweet Dora

Catch ya on the flippity flop,


Every busy construction worker needs to eat well

House complete 💪

Monday, December 18, 2023

The changes continue

So many things can change in such a short amount of time. More than I can keep up with at times. As I'm blogging and not yet posted, I'll leave with this. The new laughter of Olive, a new voice in the house. She's learning to express herself more day by day. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023


Guest Blogger Today 😍 Lauren shares a bit of her own little life: 

“What would you like to be for Halloween?” I asked Brooks back in September. “An iguana with icing!” Brooks replied. That character was from “Halloween ABC’s”, a book we’ve read manyyyy times. I suspect he mostly wanted the icing. However, an iguana seemed like a great costume and I quickly found a dragon cape online that could pass as an iguana. Easy on, easy off, and didn’t hinder potty training progress by complicating lowering our pants - I’ll buy it! 

Halloween lesson #1: I asked too early about the costume. 

By the time the iguana costume arrived, Brooks had become obsessed with Mario. In my head, I didn’t want to buy a onesie (see complication with potty training mentioned earlier) that’s cheaply made and will be worn one time. I *thought* it’d be better to purchase overalls, a red long sleeve shirt, and a red hat that he could wear at other times. And I’ll just draw on a beautiful mustache. Smart? Smart. So I thought. 

The first of the Halloween events on the docket: trunk or treat at Brooks’ school. They message stating that costumes should be worn over school clothing so teachers can easily take them off. It’s also a little warmer than it may typically be this time of year. Okay, I’m adaptable! I dress him in shorts (see potty training again), the long sleeve red top, and offer him two Mario hat choices. I sprung for an official Mario hat that he ended up not liking, but resentfully wore for the event. Ryan even made a little felt emblem for his shirt to ensure that everyone knew he was Mario. 

Halloween lesson #2: go all out!

I missed the memo that all of the parents were bringing their top Halloween energy on costumes. One child was dressed in a full policeman get up. There were princesses with long hair clips galore. I went for practical, functional, and (my interpretation of) less wasteful. I really missed the mark. Brooks came home and said, “no one cared about me costume.” Knife to chest! I got teary. I cared about his costume and I had hoped his friends would too. But in comparison to all of the others, he felt not as important. I hit myself with the bad mom stick. Next year, I will be going ALL OUT. 

Determined to get the school memory out of his head immediately, I decided to take him to Beware on the Square in Celina the following day. It’d be a date, just he and I. 

Bootleg Mario strikes again! Halloween lesson #3: candy makes everything better. 

The event on the Celina square was a little overwhelming for Brooks, I mean Mario, but he had a blast. We practiced saying trick or treat, but when the time came Mario could never muster it. Despite this, he was loaded up with candy. So much so that we decided we better sit on the bench to people watch and enjoy some. 

Ah, yes. A little people watching and candy made the sting (to me) of yesterday’s costume snub disappear. We also have a whole additional year to practice saying trick or treat. 

To polish off the Halloween weekend, we decided to take the family to a Fall Festival at a church in Gunter. Bootleg Mario and Bootleg Luigi joined forces. 

Brooks was totally starstruck when he got to meet Princess Peach at the event. There were games, more candy, activities and a train ride. 

His favorite part was the train with Nana, despite the very cold weather this day. 

The Gunter event was much more our speed. Homemade costumes were sprinkled around on kiddos and only a handful went all out. Everyone was kind and laid back. This is what I had imagined the Halloween spirit to be like! 

The Cannon/Mario Brothers Family 

Overall, the weekend was a blast and I hope it filled Brooks’ head with happy Halloween memories of fun events as a family.

We didn’t end up trick or treating as we had planned because both kiddos ended up being under the weather. It turned out that Brooks had RSV, which he passed to Olive. To keep from reliving the details, I will summarize: Olive had a brief 24 hour stint in the hospital the day after Halloween and improved with the medical team’s care. We’re beyond grateful. 

Next year, I won’t be a Halloweenie and will step up my game. I’m coming for you, 2024 Halloween! I wonder what Brooks will want to be. I’ll wait at least until October to ask, make sure we have many candy-filled activities planned, and you better believe I’ll be going all out on his costume.