Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 30!!!!

Its been a month now, out here on the road. I have my cart organized, am a master at keeping supplies, enjoy motel stays/showers, and wear the same clothes every day. You would think I would be "comfortable " with all of it. The problem is, just when I think it's all good, and feeling comfortable, that's when the weather - or terrain - throws me a curve ball. Those two unpredictable elements do not allow me to think things are always going to be okay. They are much stronger and "bigger" than I am. I don't really have control over it like I think I may. So I respect the vulnerable part of it, and hope for the best. That's what keeps it exciting! 
I am sitting in my Holiday Inn room, and will head out "late" today. Maybe even as late as 8:30! I'm going to have some eggs at the breakfast downstairs, before I go. We will go a short ways (30-35) to Panhandle today. Looks to be another pretty day! 
I enjoyed everything about yesterday. What a boost to my spirits! Thank you to everyone for treating me so special. 
I hope you have a nice Thursday, and I'll let you know how the Budget Inn, in Panhandle, Texas is once I get settled. I know there is a DQ and a cafe next door. Sweet!! I'm going to have a dip come later, for sure. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you were able to enjoy the "luxury" of the Holiday Inn.....along with a yummy warm breakfast with eggs!

A month down....such an accomplishment! And in that month you have moved thru almost 4 states... WOW!! So proud of you taking on the is challenge of crossing the US on foot. :)

I bet you order a quesadilla at the cafe go along with yoru dipped cone. :) (I know I would if they have them on the menu or would make me one!!)