Sunday, June 14, 2015

Day 75 - Heading to the Richmond area

Good Sunday Morning! What a happy day yesterday was for me! I did just over 40 miles, and David arrived later in the day. We shared dinner together, got ice cream for dessert, then I fell asleep. I need sleep now - more than ever - to rejuvenate my  body. My shin is actually getting better. There's still a physical knot there, and some swelling, but it's given up hope on stopping me. Ibuprofen will get me to Virginia Beach.
Today, my plan is around 50 miles, to Midlothian. (This is just outside Richmond). On Monday, I'll go across Richmond, staying on US60. If I was to travel on the interstate, I'd have much less miles to do. But on US60, I still have a ways to go. That's okay, I'm excited about each and every day left. 
David dropped me off - at where I stopped yesterday. The name of the road was easy to remember: Scott's Bottom Rd. How funny! He'll go back and hang out a bit (sleep more?), at the motel. I'm fine for hours and hours. I have my cart, with all my needs. Food, drink, etc. It's Sunday morning, and there's actually more traffic at this early hour, than I expected. The bugs have been terrible the last few days, yet today, they are tolerable. I like that! I've got my bug spray on, though. I'm staying out of the grass due to snakes. I have to get in it, to get off the road for cars, but my cart goes first. I've seen them slither off, and glad my cart scares them. 
The mountains were tough the last few days. They show no mercy. The area I'm getting into now is more populated, so I feel like bears and scary animals, are less likely to be seen. 
I feel like I hit the jackpot, as David got all my supplies yesterday, while I finished moving down the road. I have fresh unsweet tea, fruit, and other misc yummy treats. He took me for a quesadilla last evening. It's been awhile since I've had one. So I'm set! And this time, when he leaves to go back home, I go with him. Can you believe it? I'm still not sure I believe it. 
I don't know what your thinking, but I think I'm one lucky girl. Some days have been full of obstacles, but today, it's starting out - better than most! What a great way to feel, so close to the finish. 
John is about 1 1/2 - 2 days behind me. He's doing more miles as each day passes, and moving at his fastest pace in quite a while. When I talked to him yesterday, he sounded SO happy! He lives in Virginia Beach, so he is literally "going home". I'm so happy he's doing great! 

Hygiene report:
It was extra muggy and bug-y yesterday. I was covered in sweat, bug spray, and sunscreen. Multiple layers of all of that. Poor David, I know, in his head, he did not want to have to hug or touch me much. I don't like being so gross, but it's what I have to do to protect myself from the elements. I actually got in the shower, only taking off my shoes. Fully clothed, socks and all. I've only done this a few times. I shampoo my hair, and start the process of getting some soap all over my clothes. This will help with rinsing them. (No laundry facilities at the motel last night). I eventually get myself, and my clothes, as clean as I can in a motel shower. I'm happy with the results! I'm going to throw everything I have on, away, after I complete this trek. I've wore the same thing each day, and no need to try to keep it. I'm going shopping, with my daughter, Lauren, when I get back! 
I need a haircut, a manicure, pedicure, and teeth cleaning from the dentist (I've had a tooth ache for weeks, but will not stop to do anything about it. All the ibuprofen (for my shin), has kept it "at bay". I only told David about it. If I vocalize too many aches and pains out loud, they can become a obstacle, mentally. So I choose to keep many negative things inside my head, and push them away. Just another mental strategy I use to stay focused. And stay more positive, rather than worrying about things that may try to slow me down. Your brain is so strong, using it wisely, helps during tough times. I have found the mental and physical portions of this adventure is equal. If your mind says you can do it, your body responds. 
How about my weight? David thinks I've done well, considering the calories I burn each day. He's my gauge, and is good about giving me a "status". I eat a lot! My clothes fit about the same, so I'm okay with that. All's well. 
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

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