Thursday, June 4, 2015

Confessions of a Crosser

Most police stops are due to people calling in about me "having a baby in my stroller on US60". I have wanted to buy a baby doll at Walmart. Maybe I'll hold it by the leg, and swing it around. Maybe I'll just set it up on the top of my cart so it looks like it's riding there, instead of inside the cart. These are cruel, bad thoughts. Shame on me!

My potty discretion on the side of the road has decreased. I've gone potty outside FAR more than inside. Considering some Amish don't have indoor plumbing, I seem to fit in well with that. (And my "granola" look.). But really, I don't hide myself as well as I used to. I just hope those people who see me, don't see me at the next conv store I go in. I'm more likely to not worry about a trucker seeing me. I can't really explain that, except that I doubt I'll see them again.

Roadkill. There's many, many times I've wanted to take a picture of it. It's almost like some of them look like art. Odd, I know. But just the position, or expression, or type of animal, makes me think....that could be artsy fartsy. Not the gross ones, not the bloody ones, just the unusual ones that are not disgusting in any way. The unique ones!

Night time eating. I awaken in the night, every night, hungry. Really hungry. And I get up, and usually eat something. Apple, banana, Rice Krispy treat, something to help me satisfy that hunger. I don't like it that this happens. But my body is asking for more food. It just seems like a habit I'm going to need to break when I get back home.

Motel rooms. I like to leave them tidy. I throw away my trash, put all the towels in a pile, etc. I am always so grateful to have a place to stay, it's my way of "helping ". Yes, even at the gross ones! I will even leave a tip for those people at the small motels that help me with laundry and such. These people are so kind, it's the least I can do.

What I want to eat ALL the time is either icing, whip cream or anything like that. Esp if it has anything chocolate along with it! I can never get enough of it. I can just about make myself sick eating so much of it. My will power disappears around it. I had a piece of chocolate pie last night at Waffle House.....and loved it! Would I done that if I wasn't doing this? Probably not.

I have been by so many types of industrial plants, RR loading places, farms, lumber plants, and other interesting work environments. I always think about what it would be like to go in there and work for the day. Would they let me? Can I just have a tour? What's it like? Do they like working there? I have so many questions, and I'm so curious. That would be a fun at different places to experience new things along the way.

Even shocking to myself, I drink real coffee now. I rarely find decaf, and have come to love the "real deal". What has happened to me?!

I don't like being out in the rain for hours and hours. I wish I could be "okay" with it, I try to be "okay" with it. But I just don't find it enjoyable in any way. That's been the hardest part of this trek. Not the miles, the bedbugs, the heat, the mountains, or anything. It's my kryptonite....rain. There, I admitted it. I feel better.

Lastly, it's hard not to feel guilty for being gone, not working, spending a lot of money, and leaving all the responsibilities of our life with my husband. He's so good at telling me "It's okay!", and SO supportive. It's my own internal feelings that create these emotions. And on the flip side of it......I'm having a amazing time, loving it, cherishing it, and appreciating all of it. It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Even though my family thinks there's more to follow.....when I get home, and "think" of what my next adventure will be.

For now, I'm very happy with a Run Across America,

1 comment:

Lauren said...

You're drinking real coffee??? Do I know you?