Monday, April 17, 2023

Congrats to the happy couple(s)

As I work on finishing out my current post, I wanted to announce a sprinkle and a wedding........

Little Olive, our new-to-be granddaughter, along with her mom and dad will be having a sprinkle (instead of an actual shower) on June 3. I can't wait to celebrate this happy occasion as Olive's arrival happens in early July. 


And just before the sprinkle happens in June, we will have a wedding on the farm on Saturday, May 20th. Nick and Rocio (sweet family friends) will be wed here on the farm, chickens and all. They have quite the story of their own life and we look forward to celebrating their life together. 


We are blessed to share our farm for such happy occasions. And if you show up, we would welcome you with open arms, hugs and plenty of food. Let's all celebrate together❣️


Kawika said...

I am sooo excited about these upcoming events!!!

Kim said...

So many fun things going on! Such a busy and exciting time for you guys.