Wow, Route 1 went from my little highway to a three lane (each side) highway that resembles an interstate. The cars are flying by, and I'm being very watchful. Interestingly, it has a huge shoulder and a sorta-sidewalk beside it. I stay on that as much as possible. It's quite a feat trying to navigate other 'real' highways that intersect with this new-to-me Route 1. Up and then back down exit ramps, taking side streets, and since there's so many entrances and exits, it presents a challenge to cross them and stay vigilant. I took my time, and made sure I looked, and then looked again before crossing any road way. It's not just difficult for me, but for drivers trying to navigate their way to the side businesses. It doesn't seem to have a good flow to it all. Example? Don. Turns out Don and his wife Susan have seen me on Route 1 since I was in Maine. Susan works for Costco, and travels Route 1 back and forth, to cover her territory for each Costco as part of her job. Then, there I am, toodling by the Costco today, north of Boston. Don and Susan live here, and Susan taxed Don with bringing me money and saying hello (she had to go in the Costco - I just passed - to work). Some of my details on all that Costco/Susan may be off just a bit, but you get the idea. What I am trying to get out though, is Don is trying to get to me via his car. It's just not that easy on this crazy section of Route 1. I'm walking, then running, then walking, etc. so he's trying to gage where to stop to get out of his car and tell his story. After a turn around or two, he's waiting for me at a upcoming corner, standing and smiling as I approach. His first response is, "I don't mean to be that creepy guy, but my wife and I have seen you since Maine, and want you to have this". He pushes $10.00 towards me. When people want to share their money with you, they have made up their mind already. I explain I'm on vacation, but he still requests I take it and is now putting it in my hand. I explain I'm not doing this for a charity , but for pleasure. He lets me know Susan wanted him to give it to me irregardless. He had many questions, (the age question was not asked) but since they had seen me for so many miles, it seemed more real to him that I was really going down Route 1. Not just running away from home or something. He took a few pictures for proof, and was happy he could go give answers to Susan's questions. The things husbands do for their wives! He was just a super nice guy. I felt bad taking his money, but not taking it wasn't an option. I promised him a would use it for dinner that night, and think of them, and their kindness. And how much I appreciated him stopping and visiting with me. This kind of support fills my soul. Thank you, Susan and Don! A little bit down the highway, I came across a Chipotle (and it was on my side of the highway, thank goodness). Jackpot!!! My second quesadilla of my trip, and at one of my favorite places to splurge. I had a special meal thanks to this special couple. It was all meant to be. I was comforted beyond belief while eating there. Which I did. I sat down like a real person and ate my food there and enjoyed every bite. It was around that time that David was tracking me and knew I would have to circle around a entrance/exit ramp to get to another highway. Yes, I will be exiting Route 1 while I get across Boston. I'll be going down 99 (of which Don agreed with that plan, as I can cross the bridge on 99. They live here and he was able to confirm what I was thinking). Also, we had planned a motel stay (Econo Lodge) off 99 to help steer us in the correct direction.
David gave me wonderful instructions on how to maneuver the tedious highway change, mainly because I'm going against traffic, and can't just exit to 99 because I'm on the wrong side of the highway to do that. So thank you, David!! You saved me time, and extra miles, to get me transferred over with ease.
I'm now getting close to my motel, and I'm feeling like it was a odd day. Almost like it was three days in one day. Different terrain, different highway configurations, and challengeing maneuvers just to keep going in the right direction. And if I think that was interesting, tomorrow will be even more so. I'm heading across the rain. My goal will be to get to the Gaard Motel in Walpole over by the stadium. I'd like to enjoy Boston, the sites, the food and the day.
Tomorrow morning will start out with a bang, because I'm high-tailing it out of here. It's a bad area of town, as the motel attendant has a glass window for patrons to check-in through. The convenience store across the street has bars on the windows, and if-y people lingering about. This north side of Boston will not be somewhere I site-see. Instead, I stayed in my motel room and did some 'maintenance '. Filed my nails, trimmed my toe nails, and just things like that that I've not taken the time to do. It was quite nice to take the time to do those things.
We are going to be 25% done tomorrow! Total mileage in Massachusetts (if we stayed on Route 1 the whole time) would be 86 miles. Rhode Island? 57 miles, and Connecticut with 117 miles. Then New York with a grand total of 21 miles.
Thanks for listening to all my words.
I wish you a fabulous Friday,
Hope you've had a safe day and get safely crossing Boston tomorrow , making it to Foxboro ... All the best from Don and Sue
Don, Your smiling face was such a bright spot in my day yesterday! Thanks again for taking the time to stop and visit, and my Chipotle (dinner from you and Sue) was just what I needed. Sincerely, Cyndi
Good plan on the 99
Thanks Don and Sue for making Cyndi's day.
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