Your can't sugar coat this. Rain, shoulder issues (part of the way), back in the mountains and I am a little tired. The ups and downs (literally) won today. The mountains beat me. It rained til around noon, then cleared up nicely. I didn't really like the rain, but it was warm and just a regular rain. No big wind or storms. Just rain coming straight down. It was the mountain grades that got me today. Route 1 moved away from the coast a bit, and you know what that means in Maine. Mountains.
My morning actually started telling Richard goodbye. (His wife wasn't up yet). He offered us coffee, but I declined, as he had done more than enough by letting me take cover under their awning of their RV, and the use of their reclining outdoor chairs. It was pretty nice!! And I so appreciate it. I told him thank you, thank you, thank you!! And down the road I went.
I did stop a few times to tape hot spots on my feet. I stopped for coffee once. I used any excuse to stop, to get out of the rain. But I was making horrible time, and it looked like a long day ahead of me. That's okay, I'll get there eventually. I just had trouble lighting a fire under myself today. I was moving at warp speed. The only thing fast were the cars flying by me. The traffic was like someone had turned on a facet....and instead of water coming out, cars did. They were one after the other, for miles and miles! I could hardly believe it, it was a constant stream. The road noise was a little much. I spent the day heading to Damariscotta. The motels are full, as most any Inn, B&B and certainly motel is full. Only the super expensive places are left with vacancy. I can't tell you how many places I've gone by that day "No Vacancy ". It's the weekend, I'm in a tourist hotspot, and on a popular highway. It's so very beautiful with lots to do.
So in my situation, it's about finding a place to camp for the night, as we've done a number of times now. There's no campground close, so I've picked out two spots so far. 1) The Vet Clinic that has a fabulous deck with coverage, or 2) The covered dugout at the high school. I haven't made a final decision, but it will be one of those, most likely.
My day was very uneventful, mainly very dreary. Fog, clouds and rain. So much that I could not see the ocean whenever it presented itself. I understand the fog here is completely normal. It did all burn off by around noon, and that amazing breeze showed up. It's one of my favorite things about Maine. The breeze is refreshing. Not hot, not cold, just right. I've had several vehicles beep-beep a friendly hello and wave frantically. Some have seen me previously, some may be encouraging me, but mostly it's s friendly "Hello!", and I appreciate it. I always wave back.
Upon arriving in Damariscotta, I started looking for a "camp site". What I did come across was a Subway, next to a laundromat. Since I had plenty of time, I decided to do some laundry. It was great! I could also charge my devices (phone, flashing blinking lights - much needed in the am!). I used their restroom there to wash my face and clean up a bit. I even washed my sleeping bag because it REALLY needed it. I ate dinner at Subway, and will go by the grocery store here, as well. Just regular maintenance things, and I'm fortunate it's all in such close proximity.
My best news of the day came when Larry contacted me. Remember him? The Scientist. He and his wife, Ellen sat next to me on my flight from DFW to Boston. They asked me to pop by when I pass through their town. Larry works right off Route 1, and they live about 1 1/2 miles away from Route 1. Coincidentally, that's my 'landing' spot tomorrow. They live in Topshan, and I'll be going to Brunswick tomorrow, which is adjacent to where they live. Of course, Larry won't be at his office on Sunday, but they have invited me to stay with them tomorrow night. They mentioned dinner, a spare room, shower and a laundry opportunity. How wonderful, and I'm super excited about sleeping in a regular bed, having a family dinner, and maybe coffee in the morning. But mostly, it will be nice to visit with them.
Going to wind things up, and head to a spot to lay my head.
Enjoy your evening,
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