My Cart was packed, and we're off. Around 40 miles is the goal, to Houlton. As the day begins, John and I plan for what's to come. Rain and storms. I knew I wanted to hustle today, and left John walking and eating his breakfast. Away I go! I've got lots of miles, mountains and rain to run from ahead of me. I'll start by saying the first 15 miles weren't too bad. I made it to Mars Hill (interesting town name) and stopped for: 1) subway sandwich for lunch, 2) a egg sandwich for now (I prefer a fried egg on toast. Dry.) I found it at Al's Cafe, along with a pungent cup of coffee. My second coffee of the day. It was much better than Budget Inn's coffee where the creamer would not dissolve and stayed on top of the coffee. I drank it anyway, and was happy to have it at the time. But now I have real coffee. And off I go. Up, up and up. Down, then up. There was quite a bit of climbing and my pace slowed. But I'm getting there! Finally, I get to Monticello. It was a small town with one country store. I walked around that small store twice, and saw nothing that looked good. I really just wanted water. I have two water bottles I try to keep full, and both were empty. The cashier said I could fill them up in the farmsink in the Washroom. "Can I drink it", I asked? I felt bad for asking. Of course you can, she said. I figured it was better than nothing. Now, back to the road! I've got great news! After that town, the terrain became more rolling hills rather than the deep grades as before. I was thrilled!! It made me super happy, and I only have two more towns: Littleton, then Houlton. Super! The rain has held off, but was now rumbling over my shoulder. I know what that means. Pick up the pace. I wasn't "too" concerned mainly because I do have a rainsuit and my heavy$$ rain boots. Trust me on this, it adds a lot of weight to my cart, but when it's literally pouring rain, it's a blessing and well worth the trouble of toting them around. Peace of mind is priceless. And you can't 'not' be moving just because it's raining.
Backtracking: John is back behind - I forget which town. The rains have not got him, amazingly enough. He and I pow-wow via text about the motel/camp plans. I explain I'm going to camp and he says that he's going to go to the motel. No problem! We would be literally 1 1/2 miles from each other at that point. He prefers not to camp in the rain, but I figured the Campground must have some type of protection I could get under?! I turn my focus to what's around me. Green fields, manicured homes, and I continue to soak it all in. Whether or not the rain gets me, I'm prepared either way. Then I notice someone pull over on the shoulder across the highway. A guy jumps out and crosses the highway to me. This is not unusual, as it happened time and time again before. But since I've gotten my Cart (and my shirt) well-marked with my purpose, I get less questions than before. I wish I would have remembered his name, as he did tell me, but he's involved in race directing, and was just on the phone with the Key West Half Marathon Race Director (the one in January), when he noticed my cart, and the written intentions of getting to Key West. Super nice guy! As we were discussing the half marathon and such, a police car pulls up and a policeman hops out. My new friend decided it's best to head out, we say goodbye, and I'm left with wondering where my drivers license is. No need! He's stopped to say Hello, and even see if I needed anything. He assisted me with instructions on the next part of Route 1, and what would be available for supplies and motels. (Very limited for the next 90 miles, by the way). No motel for sure. He said there were plenty of cut-outs to camp, as well as some regular camp grounds, too. I really appreciated his kind spirit and enthusiasm. After the two positive "stops" of conversation and support, I moved on down Route 1. What I didn't mention was that I was in Littleton, when I was speaking to these folks on the highway. Littleton is super cute, and had a convenience store that allowed me to fill my water bottles up, and had the BEST sugar-cookie-m&m-whoopie pie I've ever had. Just what I needed! I could only eat half, and I still have the other half for tomorrow. Whoop whoop!
Back to Route 1. Now I'm about 7 miles away from my campground and final stop for the day/night. I had decided against the 1 star (seriously, it's rated as a 1 star) motel who happen to want to charge $105.00 for the night. I just can't bring myself to do that, right Dr Brown (Mr Frugal). But as I was finishing up my miles, that's when it hit. Thunder, lightening and the rain came down hard and fast. I ran faster than I knew I could with tired legs. I had just been on the phone with David, and knew this storm was about to hit. Luckily, we finished our call, and then I took off - quickity quick! I didn't stop to put on my rainsuit, nothing. I kept going. And then there it was, up ahead "My Brothers" Campground! I was so happy and relieved, yet still running to hurry and get there. And sure enough, there's the Office! I park my cart under a tree, and pop in the door of the Office. Guess who was there!!?? Dr Prudich's twin brother. No, I changed my mind. The Office Guy (owner) was maybe a grinch, I pretty sure. Hard outside, soft middle. He snears at me, wrinkling up his nose, and asks me who I am. I introduce my drowned-rat self to him, and proceed to tell him I had a reservation.....and he stops me in mid sentence. "What's that?" pointing to my cart outside. I begin to explain, but to him, all he hears is blah blah blah. You gonna sleep outside in the rain? Uhh, I guess, unless you have any type of pavilion or something? (They gotta have something covered around here.) Even their bathroom facilities would work! No need. Dr Prudich's brother, I mean, the Office Grinch came through for me. That soft interior won out over the hard outside shell. He almost even smiled. I asked about the rain, and if he knew if it was to continue. "Who do I look like, a weatherman?" That was my final clue. Go figure it out yourself, Cyndi.
I went back out in the rain, down a little road not far, to my Spot 83. It was a picnic table under an awning. No concrete, all grass. (With the woods about 12 feet from it.) Looks like I'll be sleeping on the picnic table tonight! Good thing I got my yoga mat. I parked my cart (just barely) under the awning and sat on the picnic table and watched it rain. It was peaceful, smelt refreshing, and I was dry there. This will be perfect! And......there's showers and laundry. Gonna be a good evening.
To be continued.....
Back to Route 1. Now I'm about 7 miles away from my campground and final stop for the day/night. I had decided against the 1 star (seriously, it's rated as a 1 star) motel who happen to want to charge $105.00 for the night. I just can't bring myself to do that, right Dr Brown (Mr Frugal). But as I was finishing up my miles, that's when it hit. Thunder, lightening and the rain came down hard and fast. I ran faster than I knew I could with tired legs. I had just been on the phone with David, and knew this storm was about to hit. Luckily, we finished our call, and then I took off - quickity quick! I didn't stop to put on my rainsuit, nothing. I kept going. And then there it was, up ahead "My Brothers" Campground! I was so happy and relieved, yet still running to hurry and get there. And sure enough, there's the Office! I park my cart under a tree, and pop in the door of the Office. Guess who was there!!?? Dr Prudich's twin brother. No, I changed my mind. The Office Guy (owner) was maybe a grinch, I pretty sure. Hard outside, soft middle. He snears at me, wrinkling up his nose, and asks me who I am. I introduce my drowned-rat self to him, and proceed to tell him I had a reservation.....and he stops me in mid sentence. "What's that?" pointing to my cart outside. I begin to explain, but to him, all he hears is blah blah blah. You gonna sleep outside in the rain? Uhh, I guess, unless you have any type of pavilion or something? (They gotta have something covered around here.) Even their bathroom facilities would work! No need. Dr Prudich's brother, I mean, the Office Grinch came through for me. That soft interior won out over the hard outside shell. He almost even smiled. I asked about the rain, and if he knew if it was to continue. "Who do I look like, a weatherman?" That was my final clue. Go figure it out yourself, Cyndi.
I went back out in the rain, down a little road not far, to my Spot 83. It was a picnic table under an awning. No concrete, all grass. (With the woods about 12 feet from it.) Looks like I'll be sleeping on the picnic table tonight! Good thing I got my yoga mat. I parked my cart (just barely) under the awning and sat on the picnic table and watched it rain. It was peaceful, smelt refreshing, and I was dry there. This will be perfect! And......there's showers and laundry. Gonna be a good evening.
To be continued.....
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