After a wonderful evening of being clean, eating well, and esp sleeping well, I awoke to what this day will bring. I turned on the tv and they were reporting a story of 3 family men (from Maine) taking their teenagers on a bike trip across America. They finished recently, and had traveled from the West Coast back to Maine. The mom's waited back home, while the dads made the trip. Some of the dads had to quit their job to get the time off. (It's not easy taking a few months off work, as it's usually frowned upon). Their goal was to teach their teenagers life lessons. Afterward, the teens reflected on topics of how to deal with hard things - and move forward, they learned of the kindness that is out in the world, and the importance of family and helping others. Many people take journeys such as these, obviously for various reasons. I loved that one. It's one the teenagers will alway remember.
Many people ask me if I am afraid. It's a common, and logical question. The kindness of others is ever present. It's human nature to be compassionate and caring. I see it every day. The people who don't mean well are also lurking. You can see it in them, and hear the red flags. But it's far and few of them, in comparison to the positive spirit of people. Anyway, I loved that story and have been trying to convince my 24 year old daughter to come on out and join me! I know it's not just that easy. And it's not. There are so many logistics to this. There's a lot of wishful thinking to bring my family along with me. I have to remind myself this is not what everyone wants to do. And I have great respect for that.
I'm now heading to Whiting, Maine, and its 40 miles on Route 1. Now, other ways (roads) are shorter, but Route 1 is our home. It will be a camp night, and rain is a possibility. This means finding cover, and I'll need to work on that when I arrive. I have faith. There is one convenience store, so food and water will be available. It's a beautiful crisp morning, and I'm rolling along the river. These are the days I soak up my surroundings, enjoy the moment, and just breathe.
Have a wonderful Monday!
It's so cliche, but I do learn something every day. Sometimes, it's something I already knew, but needed another reminder of. That happens a lot.
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