Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Day 15 - Parade of cars

The amount of cars/tourists on Route 1 was unbelievable. They were backed up for miles, inching along. Sometimes at the same speed as me. This area of the various Capes is more popular than I ever knew. I didn't get to see much of the coastal area, as it's well hidden from my view. Although I did reap the benefits of cute stores, many handmade things, and lots of good food. So I took advantage of it all and stopped many times to eat, look at a store, and just enjoy the area. I'm on vacation, and wanted to take the time to see it all while I'm here. Wells was a town that was crazy packed, but York was one town I really enjoyed. It really was a vacation-kind-of-day. I had some amazing homemade veggie lasagna. So delicious. It's been a eating and looking day. It's days like today where I don't get caught up in the miles. I give myself permission to relax and get there, when I get there. Plus, it's my last full day in Maine. And I was loving it.
I came upon a number of cyclists with their touring bikes and packs. I can't wait to do that, too! They are crossing Route 1/Greenway Trail. I also ran into (no pun intended) another guy running Route1 - the opposite way, meaning he only has about 500 miles left. I was so happy for him, and jealous of his cart. He had a double stroller! Very nice, man! Being in such a touristy area makes me a pink elephant in the middle of all the grey elephants. I stand out, and I know it. My cart and shirt tell my purpose, and I'm on day 15 with zero police pullovers. What a difference it makes! The question I'm getting from many people (repeatedly) is, "Are you really going to Key West?". They see it. They just don't believe it. When I explain this is my vacation, it begins to make a tiny bit of sense. Many don't believe me that I'll be done sometime in October. That's the goal! 
With time, and rain chasing me off and on today, I roll into Kittery. I'm at the Days Inn, and not sure if rain will really happen tonight or not. It sure is nice not to have to worry about it, and sleep inside. I enjoy the campgrounds, and sleeping out in the cool weather, but a motel here and there is sure relaxing. 
Tomorrow is the day. I leave Maine, but take all my great memories with me. I will be in New Hampshire for a whole 17 miles, then into Massachusetts. That state will have about 86 miles on Route 1. Then Rhode Island with 57 miles there. I've never been to these states and look forward to seeing them up close and personal. I'm going to take the time I desire, each day, to stop and enjoy what a town might have to offer. The miles will get done, and it's time to start stopping a little more when an opportunity presents itself, and something catches my eye. 
My next job here tonight is to decide the plans for tomorrow - and tomorrow night. I'm going to check it out and see what looks good. John will arrive a little later here in Kittery. 
I hope all is well with everyone, and that your week is going as you'd like it to. 
Not sure what the plans are yet for tomorrow. But hey, I'm on vacation and know it will be somewhere down Route 1. **Side note: Larry/Ellen have a friend in Andover that would like to host us tomorrow night, but unfortunately it's just too far off course. What good people they are. Thanks for offering! 
Enjoy your evening, 

Lauren, I'm thinking of you! And David, thanks for going to my Library Board Meeting tonight, and standing (sitting) in for me. You make a great secretary! XO


Lisa Ferguson said...

Love reading your blog, Cyndi! Thinking of you as you are on your journey. P.S. - David did great at the meeting tonight! We're so grateful to have him there. Take care of you! :)

The Loves Of My Life said...

Hi Lisa! Thanks for welcoming David on the Board (temporarily), and making him feel comfortable. He said Janet made sure 'a motion' was done, for that. I could hear what you were thinking from here!
I'm hoping to be back in my seat in the library- again in October.