I push my cart across the street, and up Church Street to the church. The porch is perfect! It's up on a hill, a little inconspicuous, but I do have unofficial permission to be here, right? It makes me feel better to think so. There's no overhang, but the chance of rain tonight is low. And I have a tarp.
I go to the porch and sigh with glee. How spectacular! The view, the nice camping spot, and I'm here. I'm taking it all in, constantly amazed at what life brings. I look at the front door that's so thick with being painted a thousand times, it doesn't even shut all the way. It's held closed with a latch and eye hook. Hummm. I hesitantly open it while calling out "Hello?" No one is here obviously. But I've watched too many Forensic Files in my life. I walk in like I'm walking on egg shells, into a small foyer that leads to a big room. That's it. That's all there is to this small church. Oh wait, and a closet. Scary closet. I'm walking around in silence. There's one more weird door, like you have to step up to get in it. Another latch and eye hook. Should I open it? I've come this far, why not? God is probably not happy with me trespassing. It's stairs....going up. I shut that door quickly and latch it back. Not going up there. There is no bathroom in this church either. It's so cute and quaint. But feels warm, so I leave the door open to let some fresh air in. I have this great idea I could charge my devices, so I gather them, and plug one in. Nothing. I realize there's no electricity. I go to the scary closet, and see the fuse box. Should I? I do. I flip the main fuse and fans and lights turn on. Oh dear, what have I done? I go turn those all off, making close notes of how to "put it all like it was" in the morning, so I won't disturb things too badly. Success. I begin charging my phones and devices. Even though I have solar chargers, I always take the opportunity to keep everything charged up when possible. And nows a good time.
What to do? Sleeping in here would be nice. Safe. It's warm, so I'll think about it, as the porch is good too. Less bugs in here. We'll see.
I get to talk on the phone to David (husband), and then to Lauren (daughter). That was so nice!!! It brings me back to real life. I'm in this pretend life of sorts, living moment to moment, and still amazed I have this opportunity. It's a big family sacrifice on everyone's part. I appreciate them for understanding and encouraging me to realize my dreams.
In the meantime, my sister, Sheryl, is checking on mileage to Waite as well as convenience store availability. I don't have data available on my phone out here, so her assistance is priceless. (I only get it here and there. Even the cafe didn't have wifi.)
After all communications are finished, I begin to unwind and settle in. I think I will sleep in here tonight, even though it's warm. I try laying down on a pew, but they are too small. I move to the floor. About this time, John arrives. He eats his food, and drinks, then is ready to call it a day, as well. In silence, we both toss and turn, trying to settle ourselves. I hear noises, creaks, wind blowing and try to rationalize each sound. It's what I do in a new place. A protective reaction to analyze the things happening around you. Then I fall asleep.
I awake to the sun coming in the windows. So beautiful. I really did just sleep in this church. Please forgive me, Lord. I put everything back exactly like it was and turn the electricity fuse back to "off". I latch the front door to the eye hook again, and head out. John and I begin moving down Route 1 again. Our plan is to make it 32 miles to the town of Waite. Population: 101. It has a General Store/Post Office combo. That's it! My job will be to find a camping spot that's covered, as the forecast says 'Rain!' tonight. We do have a convenience store in Danforth along the way. So all is well, and the terrain should not be so difficult. Mountains still, but not as steep. I'll take it!
Have a wonderful Saturday,
I've really enjoyed following you with your blog. You're off to a great start. We miss you back home but know you're on a fantastic journey. - Audrea (and Dante)
I certainly miss home! Hope the restaurant is going well (it looks amazing) and look forward to hearing about the opening. It's going to be great! My bracket is on my right wrist, and I adore it. It's with me every step of the way. Although not as clean as it once was. Thinking of y'all, Cyndi
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