I saw another sign for Virginia Beach today.....90 miles. I'm just not sure what to think. I'm bubbling inside. I have mixed feelings. I am moving down the road "on a mission ". And I have a partner with me, Sheryl. She flew in, and David dropped her off on the road not long after he picked her up at the airport. I had just run by the Richmond airport! I had also done many of my miles, for the day. So she and I would finish it out. Maybe around 13-15 miles total. We got it done, but not without some excitement - fun and unfun. The "fun" was when Sheryl and I went by a Star Motel (different one than one I had stayed at in another town. Who knew there was two "Star Motel"'s out here?). There was a pretty young woman, and three children, walking down the driveway to the road. It was Mrs Rose, and her 3 children!! There they were! This is the wife of Andrew Rose, and their two daughters and son. (By the way, the children are beautiful!). This is the family who granted me the fabulous stay at The Greenbriar! And here they are! It just gets better. They are so nice, so kind, and I loved meeting them. I had SO wanted to tell them "thank you" in person. The Greenbriar is certainly a highlight of my trek. Just know how very much I appreciated it. So I meet their daughters, and also, Gabriel, their son. He's just a great young man. He asked for my autograph, and I was so impressed by him. I really would have loved to sit down and talk to them all, for awhile. I hear they are very active, and have done triathlons, etc. I hope one day to meet them again, when I have time to talk. I would enjoy that. Mrs Rose is super sweet, as she and the children have brought me 1) a glass of tea, and 2) a quesadilla! From Moe's (where I ate the night before - and loved it). It was all so wonderful. They are a super-neat family, and I appreciate them thinking of me, and bringing me my two favorite things. I cannot thank this family enough - for ALL you've done for me. I am most grateful. Your generosity and thoughtfulness is overwhelming. Thank you. We ate that quesadilla right away. Shery and I ate it - quicker than quick-ity quick. Gone, delicious, and perfect timing. My tea was just as good! Please tell the kids how much we enjoyed it all, and thank you for coming out to see me. What a nice surprise!
UnFun Part? We were not much further down the road, when the police "pulled us over". It was kinda fun that Sheryl got to experience this phenomenon. It happens way too often. People call and report to them "there's a lady pushing a baby down the highway in the road!". Please. This officer could tell I had had this occur one too many times. He was not exactly kind, and I'll leave the details out, but say that I just have to say "Yes, sir". And let them say all their words, and try to get back on the road. It's their job, some are nicer than others. He was not so nice. We mended our uneasy start, and ended peacefully, and happy. Off we went.
It's hot and humid, we have no shoulder, and are moving in the grass. The officer threatened us: "If we get back on their highway again, blah, blah, blah." So until I leave "his" county.....I have to push my cart in the grass.
I finish my (approximate) 40 miles, and decide to call it a day. All three of us look forward to getting to the motel. We are staying at a Quality Inn, and it's surprisingly nice! Yay! AND, there's a Mexican food place next door. We must have another quesadilla. It's Sheryl's favorite, too. After all, we are sisters.
Hygiene report:
I showered the 16 layers of sunscreen off of me. I actually shaved my legs, watch out. I had to pop a blister on one of my toes, and get it ready for tomorrow. The grass/gravel today really does a number on my feet. My feet are fragile, sweaty, hot, and ready for a break. I'll give them that in about 90 more miles.
What a fun day! David is here, helping me by getting me food/drink, and cheering me on. Sheryl is by my side on the road, getting her fair share of blisters. (I'm sorry about that). This is all motivating, fun, exciting and renewing my soul. I'm refreshed, and ready to make this happen. I've been alone for so long, that having them with me is much-needed and wonderful, in every way.
Thank you Mrs Rose (and Andrew!), and sweet children, for your unending generosity. Thank you, David, for being there for me - every step I've taken, AND through all my phone calls : crying - and laughing. Thank you, Sheryl, for being by my side as I finish this trek. Thank you, my fellow friends and family for going on this grand adventure with me. Let's finish it out, and relish every last mile and every last moment.
It's about all of us - doing this. You hung in there with me through the good and bad. You gave me your support, kind words, and encouragement. It seems fitting we all enjoy these last 90 miles together.
See you in the morning! It's going to be 99 degrees tomorrow. Let's start at 3 am, okay? Okay.
The ONLY thing I'm good at doing at 3:00AM is kicking people out of my car....in the dark...on the side of the road...in the middle of nowhere...and going back to bed!!
If you need that particular task done exceptionally well, call me!
Really proud of you (and Sheryl)! Whoop!
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