Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 70 - New Day

That's what I love about life. Each day we get to enjoy another day, a new and different day. I'm heading out, with a goal of White Sulphur Springs. Of course, it's many miles til I get there. But that's my plan. I'm looking forward to it, as my shin is showing some I improvement. It's still fussy, but no longer feels like it's on fire. I can tell its trying to get better. But I don't give it much of a fighting chance.
There's rain this morning as I get out the door. The storms appear to have blown over, and rain will take place for a short while this morning. I have my cart rain ready, flashlight on, and ready for the darkness. After about 1 1/2 hours, the rain subsidies. I may even take my jacket off? I will tell you, it's been "good rain". Warm!! Yay! I can still move well through that, and remain mentally strong. There is a glow in the clouds, and I can see the road a little better. Trucks are blowing the water and debris on me from the road, but my clothes are dirty from yesterday, so that's okay. My leg is telling me ibuprofen will be necessary today. I take my miles one day at a time.
I thought about my feelings yesterday, and what was causing more fear - in general - than usual. I had stopped at McD yesterday coming into Rainelle. I sat next to a couple who struck up a conversation with me. They told me stories of the drug problem there in West Virginia.  As we sat talking, the mayor came into the McDonald's, and found me to ask me about my cart.  They had recently had a Navy seal walking across America, who was there last month.  She was well-versed in what I was doing. It is election time there, and she is walking around many of the public areas to promote her reelection. It was nice speaking to someone who is familiar with what I was doing. After she had walked away, the couple told me how she was trying hard to fight the drug problem. And there appears to be much corruption in the police and fire departments. They are looking to correct those types of issues. Fast forward to the motel, and the motel lady tells me many of the same things. She says, "When I leave about 4 AM, that the drug people should all be asleep, so I should be okay. "

I already have the normal day to day fears, but sometimes what people can tell me about the area can add to it. I was tired and weary already, so it "got to me" more than usual. I'm happy to say I feel most safe back on the road. Trucks and all.

As the morning traffic picks up, I'm watchful, but comfortable.  Thanks for sticking with me yesterday, through a tough day. Those days happen, and I'm glad when they pass. I usually reflect back on them to see what the root cause was, to help me avoid that next time. I come to realize many are not avoidable. I need to just "work" through them.

Day 70 is astonishing, as it's hard to wrap my head around that time.....being gone from everything I know and love. But I have yet to think "I'm out". I always knew I was going to plow through the good and the bad. I've still got a ways to go to do just that.

Happy Tuesday,

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