Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 63 - Olive Hill

Scratch the Grayson idea. Backing up one town today, to Olive Hill, as that's my new reasonable goal. Grayson is just too far with traffic, shoulder issues and rain. I've had my rain jacket on and off, twice today. It's not pouring like it was yesterday, but it does make seeing me more difficult.
I have the Olympia State Forest on my right, then the  Daniel Boone National Forest will begin. Mountains abound, cardinals are in the trees, and the birds are all singing. It looks to be cloudy and mild today. I'm going to do my best to enjoy the remainder of Kentucky while I can. I go through a town called Salt Lick. How funny is that?  There are many ups and downs today, and I think that the mountains will become more prevalent. I will just need to adjust my mileage accordingly.
This area of Kentucky is just gorgeous.  I like it that this is how I will remember Kentucky.
I'll be staying at the Spanish Manor Inn tonight.  It's just past Olive Hill.  I'm looking forward to it!

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