Monday, June 22, 2015

What Now?

Confessions are good for the soul.

During my trek, I was asked on many occasions, "what's next"? I could not process that question, what-so-ever, as I was mentally and physically consumed with getting to Virginia Beach. That was taking up every ounce of myself. Staying focused was key. As John always says....."One foot in front of the other".
The day after finishing my wonderful adventure, I felt it. That little feeling of desire. I am back at home, settling in, yet, there's something that's calling me. I wish I knew what it was. I just know it will be fun, challenging and exciting. Something different, and something that will take time for me to figure out.
I have many things in life to figure out though. Only 1 month before I left for Venice Beach, California, we sold our house. We decided on a rent house, as we did not have enough time to look and find "just the house we wanted". We literally moved out of our "old" house, and into this "temporary" house, until I get back. We only unpacked the minimal amount needed, as there are more boxes around, than there are things out. So we are living in a unusual situation, and have a big decision to make in regards to buying a new home. What area of Dallas? How big/small would we like it to be? Should we buy some land to build on? Due to our age, others factors come into play. Will it be a possible home we would retire in? We are at that in-between phase.
And work? I will go back to work. I'm a PRN OR RN, and enjoy what I do at work. PRN basically means I'm not part/full time. I am "as needed". I contract myself out to surgery centers who need additional staff (Operating Room RN), without having to hire me. I tend to make my own schedule, but it is based around the needs of the facilities who utilize my skills. I transitioned to this PRN status initially, so it would be easier to take time off to go across the US on foot. I am toying with the idea of taking a position that would be part or full time. Another element of decison-making that will need to be determined.
I know the basic things I would like to do. Go to Rome with David, as he deserves a trip that interest him. I know I want to do all my favorite races next year. Cowtown Ultra, Keys 100, Cozumel Ironman, those races that are comforting - and fun - to me. But there's something missing. Can I leave my job and family like that again? I can only hope, with time, that whatever might be calling me, I will figure it out.

John finished at midnight. Yay!! His time, a little more precise than mine (he's a "numbers kind of guy"!!) was technically 80 days, 14 hours, 10 minutes and zero seconds, per John. I told you, he's a numbers guy. I typically say I finished in "78 days". That pretty much says it all for me. I can give you a little more insight by telling you we started on April 1 at 7 am. Since I finished at 1:15pm that 78th day, it would be 78 days, 3 hours, 15 min. The time changes are factored in. Just in case your a numbers person.
Another fun fact, that wasn't so fun at the time, was that each time we crossed a time zone, we lost a hour. Crossing back to California, we would be gaining time as we went. That sounds nice! I mean, if we were to ever do that. I can see why John crossed the US again. It's familiar, and you know a lot of what to expect. I was constantly amazed at how much he remembered from his time before.....where he stayed, where things were, how the terrain was. I'm so glad he trusted me to go with him, this time. That's a big commitment to do that, as most crossers go alone. As we all know from experience now, it's hard to stay together with someone in such a complex, difficult and ever-changing environment. Even though we were only together for a short while (comparatively, to the number of days we were out there), I learned so much from him in regards to living on the side of the road. He is a master at it.

Many of you may already have seen these articles, but I'm going to put the links out here in my blog for anyone whose interested, as well as for my future reference.

Mountain Messenger (Lewisburg, WV area):

Dallas Morning News:

In several of my blogs, I misspelled The Greenbrier. I repeatedly wrote Greenbriar, and that was not correct. I'm very sorry, as that was such a majestic place, and such a special day/night for me. I apologize for that error, and please know how grateful I am for that experience. It certainly was a highlight of my journey, that will remain at the forefront of my mind. By the way, I have my hat at my fingertips here at home, and love that it's a quick-dry material. It will be well used! Thank you again, to the Rose Family, Micki (I'm sorry, as I'm not sure if that's the correct spelling), and Holly. Your hard to work to put that together is something I value more than you know. It competes highly, though, with the tea and quesadilla. The timing for that was perfect, and exactly what I needed. Thank you all again!

I would like to tell the Altra running shoe company that their shoes are amazing. I completely used, and wore out 3 pairs. They lasted 1000 miles each. I understand shoe companies do not recommend that type of milage (per pair of shoe), but it's important for me to vocalize it, as this is extraordinary.

Sheryl and her family: Thank you for checking on me daily, talking me through some rough times, and being there, many times daily, on the phone. Thank you, Sheryl for spending MANY miles with me on US60. Your a natural at it! Thanks for your spreadsheet, as you spent much time on, to research towns and mileage. I looked at that every day, sometimes multiple times! What a treat that was. And having you with me the last couple of days was priceless. I can see you crossing America! I appreciate all of your family supporting you, as well as me, to make all this happen.

Gates and Janet: Where do I start? Oh yeah, at the airport, to see me off. Then, at the airport again, to welcome me back. Thank you both, for driving hours, to come take me to dinner back in Oklahoma (that was Oklahoma, right?). Thank you for the cupcakes - best ever! I appreciate you both being there for me, and good thing you awaken early, Gates. As I was most always out on the road early in the am, and having someone to visit with was always uplifting.

I was blessed to have my family and friends checking on me, calling, texting, and following me along. Whether it was reading my blog to see "where we all" would be that day, how far we might go, or if I was falling apart. Was it raining? If so, was it good rain? You all were right there with me, and  will never know how much that meant to me then, as well as now.

And to David, a grand thanks, for sending me off with freedom and love. You are my rock, my sounding board, and best friend. Your ability to handle this whole trek, care for the household responsibilities, work, and pretty everything, is appreciated more than words can express.

As time moves on, "what's next" will become more clear. For now.........I think I'll go for a run, with my dogs.

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