Friday, June 5, 2015

Day and Night 66 - Charleston, WV

I am loving West Virginia! It's now a tie with my other favorite state, Missouri. This is all based on my experiences off US60. So it's a very narrow viewpoint, but the only one I have. I left Barborsville, this morning, and it seems so long ago. I made it to Charleston, and also went through South Charleston to get here. I crossed the Kanawha River. I've crossed more bridges and rivers than I can count. And every time, I'm in awe of it. The water, the bridge itself, and the fact I'm on foot - and not in a car.
The weather was perfecto, the terrain - manageable, the people - kind, and my hotel is a spectacular Embassy Suites in Downtown Charleston. It has a mall near it, and this time, I went there tonight! I bought some new compression socks. I don't know how it happens (okay, I do know), but my socks get SO, SO dirty. I've thrown away many of them. Washing them doesn't even phase the dirt....after awhile. I found a Qdoba by the mall, and then I had the "ice cream of the future ", dipping dots for dessert.
I had something really fun happen today! I was moving down the road, and a women in a car pulls over, hops out, and says, "I found you!". Turns out, she and her daughter both follow my blog, and live here in West Virginia. Now that I made it here, she made a special trip to come look for me today, so we could meet. Her name is Jennifer Burgess, and she's a runner, too! How cool is that? Her daughter lives in White Sulphur Springs, which I will be going through in a few days (after I tackle some serious mountains!). I bet I'll get to meet her, too. Jennifer was super nice, super sweet, and I appreciated her taking the time to come see me. We took her first selfie together. Yes, it was her first selfie she's taken! Jennifer, thanks for coming to find me! It was a pleasure to meet you. That moment lifted my spirits, and rejuvenated me for the rest of the day. (See our pic on Instagram)
The next few days are going to be tough. That's tough with a capital T. A man at a conv store (that I stopped at today) was inspecting my cart when I came out of the store. He inquired about my "set-up", and we talked for awhile. He was so kind, as well, and talked to me extensively about the next 75 (or so) miles I had. He seemed to know US60 well, and gave me the low-down on it. Mountains, more mountains. Climbing, more climbing. No shoulder, lots of switchbacks. He said there's no where to go off the side of the road. He's worried about my safety, and I could see the concern on his face. It scared me, although I tried to remain neutral. I knew that he knows what I'm going to go through. For days. Thank you, Mr, for your concern and knowledge. Even though I wanted to bury my head in the sand. I know what's coming......and it will be climbing, lower daily milage, switchbacks, and figuring out how to survive it. I have to be attentive every minute. And if it's me or the cart? I'm saving me.
Tomorrow, I set out for Gauley Bridge. I'll stay at a little place called New River Lodge. It's 48.00 a night, and I always wonder what it's going to be like. I'll be so whooped, it won't matter tomorrow. And the next day, and the next day. I usually go into "survival " mode when these conditions present themselves.
Hygiene Report:
The shower felt so nice! I washed my clothes (3 days in a row - Go Me!). I put my new compression socks on. My right lower leg is still a little fussy, but it's getting a little better. It doesn't help when I go out and pound it in the ground again for 38-40 miles. I actually cut my finger nails, too. I'm really happy tonight. I talked to Lauren on the phone, and she said I sounded tired. But, I feel happy (and tired). The days are getting harder and harder. The miles are getting tougher to I used to. When I talked to John today, he, too is experiencing that phenomenon. He said he's 3 days behind me. And was trying to get to Grayson tonight. I bet he will! We both are doing the best we can. Time and miles have slowed us. But we will get there. With time.
I hope everyone had a great Friday! I did as well. And now, you get to have a fun weekend!
Enjoy! I will do the same. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

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