Friday, February 26, 2021

No more counting of days, wait, are you sure?


How odd it feels to stop counting. We made it to Day 45 and then the counting stopped. We have arrived home to our safe and comfortable home. Now what?

David is reversing the need to check MyChart for his appointment(s) of the day or week. He's realizing that the only thing he really needs to do it eat and heal. More eating. More healing.

As we take a few days to settle in, please know this: we are processing what just happened. We are going to get the farm settled back to a more "usual"state. We are going to just "be", esp this weekend. We will attempt to listen to our knowing, and go from there. 

I'm wishing everyone a calm and relaxing weekend, and look forward to meeting you back here Sunday night. It's hard for me to write things like, "let's see what the weekend will bring" because I'm so busy being in this very moment I'm in right now. Writing. Looking across the table at David. Just being. 

Yet, the wonderful weekend will come, as time waits for no one. And we will dive into it with curiosity and wonderment. Let's see what will happen next. And in the meantime, we will be right here, decompressing and unwinding our mind(s) and body(s) from the last 45 days.

Much love,



redtop said...

so very happy your cancer challenge is completed.... i pray for total success and good health ..

rest easy ....will read more sunday ... thank you and so happy you all home !

Brooke said...

Fav quote: "......because I'm so busy being in this very moment I'm in right now." Love this!!

Enjoy your weekend being home and back on the farm!!!