Friday, February 19, 2021

Day 40 and it's Friday


What a week for everyone! While everyone repositions themselves in their world of the living, we are doing the same. David spends most all his time resting and trying to sleep when he's able to, with all the "rock and gravel" in his nose. I'm here in Gunter, back to work today and continuing to monitor the faucet(s) out back for evidence of thawing. I'll need to practice how to turn the water off. Although the actual thaw-out may be tomorrow's business. 

Nonetheless, we'll enjoy this Friday and keep you posted on weekend events. I hope this finds you safe, warm and boiling fresh water. 

We'll talk again soon,


1 comment:

redtop said...

you are busy ...thanks for the news ...

we will talk later..

hope David resting well


loveya , dad