As we hit Day 30, we are reminded that today is the next-to-last chemo day for David. The worst is always yet to come a day or two after, but he's truly in countdown mode now. Our hearts are full. Although David is worn down, beaten up and has more of that to come, his spirits are high. Keep it up, babe! It's hard to tear these smiles off our face at this point. My heart breaks watching them do this to David, yet he's such a trooper through it all - and I find him incredibly inspiring 💗
A time to remember
This is a good time (at the request of David) to tell the story of what happened to my running cart after I finished the cross country trek. So here goes.......last day and Finish Line. As a reminder, David was there and Sheryl (sis) had also flown in to be with me on the road, beside me, as we make these last final days into Virginia Beach. My body was so worn down. Very reminiscent of what is happening with David even now.
DAY 78
Best day ever!
Sheryl and I started down the road, this morning, in the dark. The roads were silent, as it was hardly 3 am. We had our flashlights, blinking red light on the cart, and a goal of Virginia Beach on my mind. Today is the day. I've spent the last three days processing this "finish". I've been trying to tell myself that it's okay that I finish. I do confess to 'dragging my feet' a bit - at times - today, because it's hard for me to let this adventure end. As the day went on, I was finally ready to give myself permission to let this process come to a close. Sheryl and I had a wonderful time moving down the road, talking and looking forward to Virginia Beach. I don't know where the time went, but before I knew it, 30 miles were behind us. After a few more miles, we are close to 83rd St on Virginia Beach. That's the first beach access there in Virginia Beach. Around this time, Sheryl decided to hop in the car. She's gone almost 90 miles in the last 4 days, and it's time for her to give her body a break. I appreciated her being my partner for today, and the two days prior. She's been a real trooper! Great job, Sheryl!
At this point, it's been around 33 miles, and I only have about 7 more. I keep moving. There's a couple of turns coming up, as I'll go from US60, to Atlantic Ave, to an access road, to the Boardwalk. Along this part, I meet Rob. He's a friend of John's (my running partner in this trek who is a few days behind me now) who lives in Virginia Beach. His wife had spotted me coming into the area, and alerted Rob. He brought his camera, came out to find me, and we talked for awhile. I continued on, looking forward to getting to the Boardwalk. I finally make it there, and I know David and Sheryl are around somewhere.
I pass the King Neptune sculpture on the Boardwalk, and it's gi-normous! I keep going, as I want to go on down the Boardwalk. I see, up ahead, Sheryl and David! They will go down the Boardwalk, with me, for the final distance. We all three continue. Once we get towards the end, we decide on a "spot". That's has a two-fold meaning. It's time for my Spot satellite tracking device to ping me, and it's time to understand that this is my finishing spot. I'm now "official"! I have crossed from Venice Beach , CA to Virginia Beach, VA. It's like a dream. Where did the time go? I'm SO happy, I can't quit smiling! Then David surprises me with the banner that Gates and Janet had made for me. "Coast To Coast Finish Line". How fun!! We take lots of pictures, hug each other's sweaty selves, and marvel in the moment. I'm making mental memories, knowing this is a special time in my life.
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What a happy day! |
As the dust settles from the excitement, I realize just how hungry I am. Let's go eat! No more "cart food" for me. I really want Qdoba....a quesadilla. And there's one nearby. Yay! But there's one more thing to do. We must find a new owner for a Bob Ironman Running Stroller. I won't be taking it home with me. Hmmmm. Let's see, who around here looks like they 'need' one? We are walking toward a mom, with her baby (1-2 yr old?) in what looks to be like a stroller a child would put her own baby doll in. We stop her and ask her if she'd like our stroller? She's shocked. She says, "Free?". Yes, free. She tells us she knows those strollers are around 300.00, new, as she's "looked it up on the internet". We explain what I had used it for, and told her we'd like her to have it. She tells us she has four kids, and could really use it. She hugs us, and I look down, and her little girl (in the "baby toy" stroller) is holding her arms out, extended, as if asking for a hug, too. I hug her, and she hugs me tight, right back. She's so little! I forget what it's like to have a child so young. Her mom places her blanket in the Bob stroller (after we show her how to fold it up and back out). She picks up her little Layla, and puts her in the Bob stroller.
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Such a kind and gentle soul |
Layla likes it. Lots of room!! We begin to part ways, all of us happy as can be. I'm waving goodbye to Layla, sitting in my stroller, that took me across the U.S.......and she's blowing me kisses. This is all almost too much. God is good. He placed them in our path today. It was meant to be. I could not ask for a better home for my "cart".
After that event, we all feel complete, and ready to move on. The Finish Line is done, the stroller has found a new home, and it's time to celebrate - so let's eat a warm meal! We actually drive, as I'm in a car, to Qdoba. I. AM. IN. A. CAR. I need to get used to this again. I, myself. haven't driven in 78 days! We eat, and talk about the day. Sheryl has done many miles to be there for me in these last few days. David has made sure I have everything I need. For 75 days, it was just me. I love having them around! Thank you both, for finishing this trek with me. What a blessing.
I thought I would have mixed feelings about the finish, but have found myself relaxed about it. I'm starting to understand I won't run tomorrow. I won't be on the side of any road. There's a part of me that's sad about that, but I'm mostly feeling happy. Happy that I was able to compete this journey, healthy, and take everyone with me. We did it together. We never wavered, we never thought we would quit, and I realize nothing is out of reach. Yes, there was sacrifice involved, hard times, and long days. Yet, the benefits far outweigh any of those things. I meet amazing, wonderful, kind and helpful people along the way, I saw our beautiful United States first hand, and found out what I am capable of.
My blog tomorrow will be a continuation of this transition from road to real life. I need to sort out my feelings and emotions. I look forward to letting you know how I will do this. Things don't just bounce back to "as they were". This adventure has me looking at life differently. I look forward to being able to put that into words.
Until tomorrow, thank you for all the kind words upon my arrival into Virginia Beach. I appreciate you very much.
I'll never in my entire life forget this trip - all the wonderful people I met along the way and all the beautiful parts of the country I saw all on my own 2 feet. It beats any other trip I've ever taken, and represents what pure freedom is. Where everyday you do what you want to do, when you want to do it, how you want to do it - and are NOT responsible to anyone (including family, work - anyone or anything). All decisions are your own and it's truly the BEST feeling in the world. I would have never felt this feeling of pure freedom and escape, if I'd never decided to go out in the world and do this. We are so consumed by life and those around us, constantly consumed by what other's expectations are for us and what others want us to do. Sometimes, it's subtle, but it's always there in our lives. Life on the side of the road is freedom. The most common question I would get from people along my journey was, "Aren't you scared?". Yes, there were scary moments, but the joyous and happy moments far outweighed the scary times. It was a risk I was willing to take to find the joy I was looking for.
Times a ticking,
Getting closer to V Day!
i so enjoyed reliving your jaunt acrosss the USA and the cart giveaway kind and sincere....
and the followup movie was super ........... you guys sooooooo innovative !! love it all ....
Mom and Dad, I remember fondly talking to you guys during that time period, and all the love and support you gave me. And now, both of your unwavering love and support is always a shining star for us to follow, in this unprecedented journey. Love you both, C
There are a couple of details that (to me) seem to epitomize the story of Layla and her Mom.
First was that we hadn’t really talk much about what to do with the stroller, other than we decided there was no way we were paying to ship it back and we’d just use that money to help buy a new one. The second was that after the finish and the pictures, you said “I guess we’ll just walk and see if we find someone who may want it.”
We turned toward the parking lot and maybe went 20 steps before we looked up and saw Layla’s Mom struggling to push Layla in that tiny doll stroller! There literally was no one else within 500 feet of us! That’s a moment I’ll never ever forget...
One other thing I’ll never forget, “You’re a badass”!
Thanks for sharing one of my favorite stories of us! ❤️
Still have the picture of you and the stroller on the beach in Virginia along with the one right before crossing the bridge when you ran across Tennessee! So inspiring! Thinking of David every day! Can't wait to see you guys!
That jib jab had me dancing at my desk, so thanks for that.
I loved being on your cross country journey then and have loved reliving some of those memories this week. As David said...."You're a badass!" And now, David is going through his own journey and well, like his partner in life, he is a badass too!
So many wonderful stories from your cross country journey. I'm still amazed that you did that.
Anyone else think that Cyndi is rocking the hair in that video?? Really cute! :-)
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