How's the selling of the house going?
How about we start with that, right? Let me sum up what it's been like having my house on the market:
House cleaned up, many things tossed out. Lots of death cleaning going on. Getting rid of things that no longer need to be in my particular universe. Made the house "show ready" per my realtor. That means minimal things in and around my house, and a clean house please. Then, showings happened and animal corralling ensued during those said showing times, esp with Crazy Charlotte and Marvelous Mia who together create a stick of dynamite.
I digress. And then, offers came. An offer was picked and negotiated. That offer went bad and things did not go well during the option period as they were folks that were not best to do business with. Bright side? The general inspection went well, and no big things to fix from it as far as general house things go. Just mostly small things. More showings, another offer. Negotiations still ongoing, but at a halt while I (me, personally) had a foundation inspection done because I've had foundation work done previously on this house and it's ALWAYS a question I get - and is not extensively looked at in a general inspection. Soooo my foundation company came out and sure enough, I need more foundation work. Offer on hold. I'll need to get the foundation repaired before proceeding. Awaiting the estimate for this dog and pony show that's about to drop not only into my pocketbook, but into the dirt around the parameter of my house on 3 sides, which from my experience, makes a biggo mess of the place and requires cleanup expense as well. I can do hard things. Hold, please.
There's no getting around the putting off of the foundation work. It needs to be done no doubt. And I'm okay with that. But it's about this time that I made a call to the universe making sure I'm signed up for the health and wealth package for 2025. I would not like to pursue the life lessons package again this year please.
Rule your kingdom well
This experience of placing my home on the market has enabled me to utilize many of my newfangled skills I've nurtured this past year. Afraid? Do it anyway. Reminder: do not abandon ones self. And don't quit before even beginning, esp when the house selling things get hard. Move outta da way, beep. Move outta da way. Sometimes you gotta get outta your OWN way. I've made a note to self when my frustrations are actually doorways, whereby I need to step next. Oh yeah, and Cyndi, don't forget to step aside from misaligned folks. This has been a key piece of the puzzle for me. Stay true to ones self.
It's in this season (esp with this home selling situation) of my life that I've really begun to understand what it means to look deep inside myself for the answers of my own life. I've caught myself listening to my knowing - and acting on my own knowing. Go me! I had lost my ability to recognize my own intuition or if I did happen to feel it, I was not likely to act on it, in my past life. To now recognize AND feel my own intuition again has been life-changing. Decisions look very different now. I had been conditioned to ignore my own knowing for far too long and to be able to actually feel it again is something I can hardly put into words - and the self awareness of it shakes me to the core. To think I ignored myself for so long is heartbreaking for me. It’s been something I’ve been working on - listening to my own knowing. And then acting on it. Sounds simple, right? It is truly an amazing gift we as humans have, and something I won’t ever take for granted. It’s helped me to understand my own self, my needs and desires, and tune out what others desire for me or try to steer me to. It's me for me and I can't remember a time where I've felt this to be so true. I'm fortunate that I've given myself this time and opportunity to grow and heal, and move forward in a new way in life. I feel it - and it feels absolutely freeing and wonderful. So as I pivot, move forward, then pivot again in this house selling adventure, I keep my eye on the prize. Stay tuned, folks. This ain't over til it's over.
Dutch Boy
I'm so very happy to report that Dutch's leg is healing.
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It's trying so hard to get better. Trying to try. |
It's been a slow, very slow process but he's getting there. It was an odd scenerio playing out around here as Levi was on antibiotics, too, for a wound at the tip of his tail. I'll never know how these doggos have these things happen, but Levi came home with the tip of his tail missing. This was after Penny had just recovered from her abdominal mass and antibiotics were finished for her. That's about the time Dutch had his leg wound and medications given, of which included antibiotics. It was like an infirmary around here. Then, at Sugar's recent teeth cleaning, they extracted 17 more teeth and she was put on antibiotics. I know that sounds unreal and I did not even believe it myself. Sugar looked like she had been hit by a train when I picked her up. Poor thing.
Turns out dogs have about 42 teeth in their mouth. Who knew. From the very moment I took in Sugar (she was about 1 1/2 year old) she could not eat hard food/hard kibble. She's been on a soft diet her whole life with me, and has slowly been losing all her teeth with each dental cleaning she has. The vet reassures me it's nothing I'm doing, but that her teeth are not able to thrive in her mouth for whatever reason. Her whole upper right side of teeth had to be removed this time. The vet warned me......sometimes a dog's tongue will stick out and hang out of their mouths when that many teeth are missing. Great. Just great.
Sugar has recovered and is off antibiotics now, too. Her tongue is not hanging out of her mouth. But I think the vet is preparing me for the inevitable of the day that it will come to that. And dare I say that all dogs have finished their medications and antibiotics. I'm pretty sure I paid the vet's mortgage payment for a couple of months while all this was going on. But everyone is fine now. For now.
Marvelous Mia
Mia has settled in nicely here at the farm.
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Silly girl stole my spoon I was stirring dinner with when I wasn't looking. |
She's gained weight, grown her hair out and has made a best friend in Char. With her second bestie being Penny. All is well in the world of dogs.
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It's like they were meant to be together right here |
All the farm animals are doing wonderful! The fur-sweeties like my horses, donkeys and goats have grown out their winter coat and are furry-furry so to keep warm for the winter. I've placed straw in all their shelters and sleeping quarters, and I'm happy to report the ease of which we have transitioned to winter time. Even Lil Emerald is super furry - and happy! She's eating feed now, along with hay, and no longer just nursing. She'll wean from her mama at around 6 months, if not sooner. She's the best little donkey girl you could ask for.
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Sweet Emmie eating her hay like a big girl |
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Eating beside her mama 🤗 All with Sugar, Char and Mia cruising the barn |
As I went to the barn tonight to wish everyone a good sleep tonight, I’ll share with you what it looks like in the barn at bedtime.
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Suzie Q claims this window spot early on each evening |
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The ducks now sleep in the barn and spend much of their time with the chickens |
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Full house every night |
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Paul loves sleeping right beside his best friend in the mirror |
Nite nite. Love you all to the barn and back,
Home selling stresses me out, so I was glad when my ex bought me out and I didn't have to go through that. I have been hesitant to buy again until I know where I want to be. Plus I enjoy not having to worry about fixing things or handling home maintenance stuff all the time. I hope that you get the outcome you are looking for and need.
O.M.G........Mia and Char have to be the cutest pair of trouble. I love the bond they have and am glad they found each other. Hopefully Sugar doesn't feel left out now that Charlotte has found a new friend.
I am so glad that all the dogs are healing and things are getting back to normal. I cannot imagine how stressful that was. Winterizing of the barn seems to be going well and everyone looks so peaceful and happy.
Fav Quote: "Sometimes you gotta get outta your OWN way." If this isn't the truth. That was actually part of my goal/motto for 2024.......stop holding myself back, stop overthinking, and live more in the moment. #NoRegrets2024
Amen to your words regarding selling a home - and even buying a home! It’s essential nonsense is what it is. It should not have to be this hard. I like what you’re doing. Allow others to fix things 💪
I hope we are able to get outta our own way in 2025! Let’s give it a go ❤️
Glad things are going well overall. Never a dull moment but you seem capable of handling darn near anything! I still can’t believe you are selling your property but that must mean good things are coming for you. My prayer for you always. Merry Christmas!
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