Much needed gifts to self
It is an amazing thing to learn about self love. Then to practice self love. This last year has taught me I was missing self love and self worth to an extent that I had lost “me” in my prior marriage. Thanks to therapy and practicing new skills, I've learned that I have days where I might not like myself or some choices I make or things I do. Yet, I will always love myself. This has taken a year of practice for me, and I still practice self love daily. Lucille Ball said it so well, "Love yourself first and everything else falls in line." Wow, yes it sure does.
I try to practice self talk as if I were talking to someone I love. I was talking to a co-worker the other day and this flew out of my mouth, "I figured out something recently, that the greatest love of my life is (and I paused as I reflected on this) and then said, "me". It was me all along.
And with all that said, I adore hearing people speak with self love for themselves. No apologies. Just love for who they are and how they are. The good and the bad. The silliness and the awkwardness. And when I see and hear it, it fills my soul cup up. Everytime. And people who own their self love (truly own it) typically do so unapologetically, and I'm drawn to it like a proton to an electron. For I know these people have found the secret to life. As I really believe it's self love that is truly the secret to a most beautiful life (that rides along with self respect, self worth and self exploration in life). After all, I have found there is no external remedies for internal problems. Inward is the path to freedom.
What now you ask
I mentioned to Lauren the other day that I think about what Reese Witherspoon once said, "The only approval you need is your own". That about sums up my life. Doing me, making my own decisions and owning them.
And once I gave myself approval to explore the idea of moving to a new home, I've not looked back. It just felt right. It felt warm. Nothing about it felt not right. It felt like God's plan for me, that's how right it felt.
Yes, it's been hard. Things worth doing can be hard. I'm okay with that. It hones in my coping skills a bit. It has helped me practice not sacrificing my own happiness to please anyone else. I've tried hard to stay strong through some hard situations with it along the way. At last blog post, I think I was in my first contract/offer that fell through. Then enter in my 2nd contract to sell my home to a couple - whom I had actually met at the house inspection. They showed up and I'm going to sum it up by saying this: they were completely and utterly unreasonable. I tried hard to compromise, but I've learned that you can never satisfy some people and these were some of those people. I'm going to cut to the end of this particular contract situation and say this: I will not be treated inappropriately any longer in my life and these people had to go. I said NO to any and everything they wanted (because they wanted anything and everything beyond reason) and luckily they did indeed cancel their contract just before their option period ended. One day I'll might write a whole blog post on their inappropriate behavior because it was so crazy, including attacking my character when they don't even know me all because I was not doing what they wanted me to do. You must have me confused with the old me, people. The new me doesn't accept this poor behavior(s) any longer. But I finally was able to put an end to it. So I thought.
The first 2 offers and therefore contracts were a bust. And I’m okay with that.
Then I moved on to another awaiting offer who had actually showed up at my house unexpectedly for a showing (another long story but in fact was meant to be) and not only offered full price but added 10K to it. At the time I was still under contract (with the above couple) but this man wrote up his offer as a "back up offer" so that when and if the contract I was in cancelled, his would go into effect. And sure enough, it did. I'm now under contract with a normal person who says normal things and makes normal requests. Whew, what a journey to get there though. 3rd times the charm.
The (his) house inspection has been completed. He requested no repairs. He even had me cancel the foundation repair I was going to do. Is this man single? I digress. We are closing on my house on Jan 30 and the house will be his. Did I mention he's paying cash? No, I don't know if he's single.
So I better find me a place to live, people! And I found 2 places. One in Trenton and one in Wolfe City. After negotiating with both, I finalized an offer for a property and home in Wolfe City and they accepted. My home inspection is tomorrow, and if all goes well, I'll move forward and we'll close on my new-to-me home in Wolfe City with a super cute rock house (built by the family's rock business of the couple that lives there) on 21 acres (think ag exemption) with a closing on Jan 31st. God is good.
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2 ponds, a barn, a run-in shed, and an awning (with rv under) The rv is not staying, nor is all the "stuff". They will be removing all the things scattered about. |
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I love a rock house! |
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It's just the right size for me 💗 |
The man who is buying my home has agreed to lease it back to me for free for 3 weeks to allow me to find a place and get moved. Who is this mystery man, you ask. I don't have a lot of details on him, but I know he has people. His contract is signed with his name AND ASSIGNS. Meaning he can assign someone to do things for him like buy my house for him. Whoever he assigns to do so. I love a man with people.
Wait, I do know he owns land in Celina and is now going to gobble up land in Gunter. Me first, so he says. And I'm fine with that. I'll move to where land and houses are cheaper and will be making my last mortgage payment tomorrow. His purchase price he's providing allows me to cash pay on my new-to-me home and be financially free which has been my goal all along. My realtor has been there for me all along to make this magic happen. She has known what my goal is and has worked hard to see it through. We are not at the finish line yet. But soon. And did you know that almost everyday since the crazy couple from the 2nd contract (see above) cancelled, they have asked to buy the house after all, and are "ready to move forward".
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These people 😲 I said....go away please |
They bother my realtor regularly even though they know I'm under contract and am out of the option period and that this current sale is really happening. They just won't go away. Hahahaha, uh no. How many times do I have to tell them no.
What next?
I'm currently making a plan for how to move all my animals. How to move all my coops, portable fencing and mowers. How to move all my things. After all, everybody is coming with me. It's going to be something, that's what I know for sure. And as hard as it all can feel at times, I know everything is going to be okay. Even when it's not okay, it's okay. I have many friends along with my sweet sister, Sheryl and her amazing family who are going to assist me with this difficult process. Yes, I’ve decided to use movers for all my material things, but I'm utilizing "my people" for the farm animal(s) move. Moving this many chickens is going to a whole thing. Yep, it's my monkey and my circus and I'm moving it all with me.
Did you add to the circus?
Actually, I added and subtracted from the circus.
I made the decision to relocate my sheep and pigs to a friend who lives down the way. They are now settled, and I'm left with my 2 little goats to take with me, along with my 2 mini horses, Dora and Hope and my 3 mini donkeys, Poppy, Pippa and Baby Emerald. Plus a million chickens.
And my dogs and cats, too!
And then I received this text from my sister, Sheryl on Friday:
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Theo 💙 |
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He was in the mix of all the dogs on the car ride home |
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Sometimes here, too. Unsure, but not unsure - all at the same time. |
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Olive - and her baby |
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Monster Truck everything, please. Love this sweet thing! |
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Loves her little tea pot 💟 |
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Their love for one another is fire |
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I do love buying girlie girl things now..... |
OMGoodness....I am in awe of how you embrace change. I am so not good at that.....maybe I will add that to my list of self improvements to work on. LOL!
Congrats!!! I am so excited to hear all about the move and how you and the animals settle in to your new place. And how freakin awesome will it be to not have a mortgage payment!!!! I am sad that Belle, Lulu, Maggie, Baby, and Wilbur will not be making the trip with you, but it sounds like they have a nice new home. Theo is super cute, I am sure you will get his bossy, wild behind under control in no time. I agree with Lauren, you do seem to love a needy dog or really any needy animal. You are their angel and provide them all a safe haven. I love this!!!
Christmas with Olive and Brooks looks like it was so much fun. I can tell you enjoyed every minute because you have a glow to you that just says you are loving life right now! You go girl!!!!
My motto for 2024 was #NoRegrets2024 and this years' motto is #LevelUp2025!!! Sounds like your goal for 2025 is the same.......I cant wait to see what 2025 brings!!
Fav Quote: "Love yourself first and everything else falls in line." Lucille Ball was a smart one because no truer words were ever spoken.
Congratulations!!! So much goodness in this post! I will come back with more comments when I get a chance, but wanted to wish you a quick congrats and happy new year!
Brooke and Kim,
As always, thanks for your unwavering love and support! I love your motto of NoRergrets2024 and hope it went exactly as you would have liked it to. We are going to be leveling up in 2025! I like that. And I love an adventure - so let's go adventuring in 2025! Love you both, C
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