It's all in the details. How true. At that moment, everything around me blurred, and for a moment, I was living inside my head thinking about that concept, those words, and the raw truth of it. That's what makes things extra ordinary. Extraordinary. After this dream sequence subsided, I came back to the world around me, forever changed. I went about my evening, with her words dancing in my head. It was the lettering alignment on the front glass of her shop, the fabric of the curtains, and the colors and design of the canopy over the front window. Details that bring out the delicate and crisp conglomeration of all she has chosen, fitting like pieces of a puzzle. I was able to see the details, I noticed them.
Fast forward to my last blog post, Before and After. As David and I spoke about some of the pictures I had used (side note: I didn't feel like a had the type of pictures I really wanted to have, to reflect the palate I was trying paint), David said, "It's all in the details, it's not all the big changes we made, but the small ones that matter the most". Oh My Gawd, did he just say that. His point? It wasn't the painting of the house or a new roof, as much as it was the details in those changes, that made the difference in all we've been creating. He's right. She's right. Yet, not everyone has the capacity to create and make details that are impactful and tie it all up in a bow. That requires talent, thought, creativity and effort. The details don't just happen on their own.
Fast forward again to the farm now. So many changes, so much movement of animals and fencing, so many ideas that failed along with ideas that soared. So many labor-of-love hours, so much time spent trying new things, new ways, in an attempt to be effective and efficient in all we do out here. And now I finally (my favorite word) get it. Finally. It's all in the details.
To be able to find these details, create these details and pay attention to them is like finding Nemo in a gigantic ocean. It takes practice, time and effort. Brainstorming and having a mind that thinks of the little things. Over time, I've learned to walk around my home and be mindful of what is around me. What's really needed, used and not just there because I'm too lazy to do something about it. What I have found is the more I go through this process, the more I see it all. Taking out the excess brings me to the details. This keeps bringing me back to living in a more minimal environment. Granted, I'm not there, but OMGoodness, I've come SO far. From death cleaning, to rearranging, to donating, to getting down to the things I use - and knowing what I don't use. It's an over and over again thing. And every time I cull and discard, it feels good. Less is more. Less makes me happy. My things had begun to make me unhappy because they took up space, made my living space seem cluttered and chaotic, and no longer created the same happiness they did upon that moment of purchase. It's in the details, and I can't find the details when there's too many things blocking them. I'm happy to say I'm at the stage now where I'm seeing the details. Not only at my home, in the barn or the garage, but out and about. I notice the effort and thought that someone made to make and create places and things that feed our souls, and bring peace to our surroundings.
How do I know I'm getting there? Amazingly, I can feel it all around me. The porch, the kitchen, the garage, the feels calm. It feels peaceful and relaxing. It's taken me many years to get here, and well worth the wait. Realizing that the things I own, end up owning me, has spurred this thinning-out process to continue. I have gratitude for it, and find such value in it and how it contributes large amounts of positivity in my life. I'm happy to be able to provide this update, if only for my own sake to look at how far I've come. It's a good reminder of the reward that awaits, after all the work and effort. I see the details now, and sometimes even create them.
Speaking of updates, let's talk horses. Dora and Diego have settled in nicely and seemingly switched roles since arriving. Dora was friendly and desiring of touch and attention first, while Diego was standing out of reach and watching. Flip that 360 now. Diego is the first to come up and say hi, ask to be petted, and request an alfalfa treat. He's learned to take it from our hands gently. Our little boy has touched my heart with his sweetness. Dora is older, and I feel like she deserves to be herself, enjoy herself, doing the things she'd like to do. I give that to her. She still comes up for alfalfa treats, too, but is living her best horse life running and playing as she desires. Their favorite thing? Running around the pond. So dang cute.

Dora and Diego have their spot in the barn from the cold, rain or storms. Although, their preference is to be out in the field, not inside.
The sheep and goats continue to live in unison in the back pasture, with Petunia and Dotty getting big and growing up. They are all happy, content and well guarded by Dixie and Davis. Their barn is plenty big for them all, and life is good in the field back there.
The chickens are staying strong at 15. The heat deters their egg laying, but that's okay ladies, as cooler weather will be here before we know it. While talking chickens, I recently decided that starting a small trial chicken (egg) farm (up on the property we have adjacent to our gravel road, where mama and papa donkey live) sounded like a good idea. I mean, why not? I have an extra chicken coop, feeders and waters. So we bopped on up to Tractor Supply and made a deal for 20 of their orpington and rhode island red chicks, and wham, bam, jiggly jig, we are back home with 24 chickens. Seems they gave us a few bonus ones. The investment of $20 dollars in chicks did not seem too outrageous.

It's a constant eating and drinking frenzy as they split cells and grow right before my eyes.

They even go up the ramp inside the coop now.

I promise this is not how it really looks, the Leaning Coop of Gunter. It's just that I'm not a great photographer. Their coop is double wrapped inside a fence, inside a fence. After all, they are yummy treats. When they are grown and get bigger, I'll allow them to free range. Not yet. Too tiny.
I'm going to see if the donkeys can guard for them, and we'll get them raised, God willing, to egg laying age and see how we manage this trial run of a mini chicken farm. Granted, our 15 chickens up at the house/barn will remain a separate flock for now. This mini chicken farm may grow, but only time will tell if this egg production thing can be accomplished - all up on our property we call '355'. It's the 1 1/2 acres we bought that's adjacent and next door to our 5 acres. This is a trial chicken/egg situation. For now, all 24 chickens are small, and working on getting their feathers. It will be about 5 months before we start seeing any eggs. That's okay, I can wait them out. For now, chicken feed and water is their thing. Supposedly, they have been sexed, and are all girls. I'll also let you know how that goes - and if that's a real thing. Sheriff says No Roosters.
See you out in the field,
I forgot to mention! We had a new run-in shed/open barn built on 355 for the donkeys. They will need it, as we all prepare for winter. Since they have been living there primarily, we decided to make it their long term home. Along with their new flock of 24 chicks. The donkeys do well with chickens, after all, where there's chickens - there's chicken food/feed. And it's one of the donkeys favorite things to eat.

It's a little blurry. This is their new casa.

Mama (on the left) and Papa
Side Note: Our primary residence is numbered 391 on the road in which we live. The property attached to 391, is numbered 355 on the road, therefore, we always refer to it as "355". It's a nugget of pasture we have, whereby the donkeys have their primary home. Now with their new shelter, and our goal for them to guard (donkeys are extremely territorial) the 24 chicks, we'll see how this all pans out. I have no idea.
Great idea disguising the 24 new chicks as a "chicken farm," so that you didn't reach "Crazy Chicken Lady" level. LOL!
"Nothing remains as it was. If you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting" - Judith Minty
Thanks, girl! I'm a master of deception when it comes to chickens. XO
you are expanding...….chicken producer ...egg producer ….you are growing....good, good luck on the new venture...…
you blog so interesting … glad you are finding yourself and your new enjoyment in all you do ….. you and David are amazing.....
you have over 6 acres and growing...… I can foresee some horses in your future... maybe modre acreage......ha and David riding high in the saddle with his Winchester on his saddle ….. yiipppeeee ! …
yep, I must get up there and see for mayself ...your wonderful pics put me in there close to understanding and appreciating all you do …
I so thank you for taking time to show pics, barn , field, coups. sheds, and e t c
I will read the blog a couple more times … the first half gives me even more insight in to what you think and do and how much you love what youall do ..
thanks for sharing ..
love ya
what a wonderful , fun farm....
cant wait to come up and tour it...…
lots of hard work I can see ….
do enjoy
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