As many changes that were made to the house, they do not compare to the constant and fluid changes in the barn. The barn was not used as a barn when we purchased the property. Instead, it had a pool table, dart board, refrigerator, bar, bar-style lights and more. It was all well-loved, older, very dirty (as barns are) and not quite our taste, if you will. Craigs List helped us rehome these items, and left us with a blank palate to create our own barn - our way. And that we did - over, and over, and over. The barn has experienced the most changes of all the buildings on the property, and may still continue that trend in the future. For now, through the many fencing movements inside the barn, animal door additions, gates added, and animals who have taken shelter there - I think we are at a stand still for a moment in time.
The chicken coop area has remained intact for over 3 years inside the barn. We like that setup, and so do the chickens. ** Side note: Chickens do not like change. The sheep have all had their lambs in another area of the barn. And in another corner is where our sweet Whisper (Livestock Guard Dog - Great Pyrenees) lived for 3 months while a mandatory penning had to occur while she recouped from extensive leg surgery. As difficult as that was for us all, mostly her, she did recover and is back at 100% capacity with her leg. Levi, her brother, guarded on his own that whole time, and I'm sure that period of time for them was harder than we even knew. But all that time was worth the outcome of Whisper having the use of her leg again. Priceless. And with all these wonderful experiences, the barn has continued to develop, and become useful for other purposes.
Over the years, we have added another barn out in the back pasture. It's 26 X 20, with an open concept. Dixie and Davis are the guard dogs in charge back there, and look over 6 sheep and 5 goats who all live in that barn together. This has proven to be quite successful, as it helps manage how much the livestock can eat, and make use of all the space in that particular barn area.
So who besides the chickens house in the primary barn? Whisper and Levi do, as they have their own area where they eat, rest and sleep, if they desire too. The newest addition to the barn is the area for the miniature horses. David created not only a concrete ramp for them to walk up into their area of the barn, but he made a dutch door so that there can be options, depending on the weather. The lower door can be open, with the top door shut or open, depending on rain, wind, cold or hot. It's very convenient and a little fancy for the barn. Dora and Diego seem to have taken to it quite well. With this hot weather, they really don't spend time in the barn, but with Fall coming, I imagine their area will be well used during the cold and rainy seasons. Thank you, David, for getting them hooked up with their own spot in the barn. After several weeks of having the horses now, Levi and Whisper have warmed up to Dora and Diego - and they all are getting along wonderfully. The sheep seem to be quite content out back with the goats, in their own barn, too. All is well. Oh, and the donkeys (Mama and Papa) have their own place in the front pasture. They are as sweet as ever.
Let's do some Before and Afters.......

Before: Ginger and Butterscotch (RIP) when they were only months old. This was in 2015, and Ginger is now Head Hen in our flock of 15 chickens.

After: All grown and living life free ranging in Gunter. We lost Butterscotch last year, due to a respiratory illness. Ginger is doing wonderfully, and makes being the leader of the flock look easy.

Before: One side of the barn upon purchase. It was a rustic entertainment area.

After: The pool table was replaced with fencing and a Sheep Pen, with the Chicken Coop across the way. But wait, the sheep were moved to the back pasture, so this area is primarily now for Whisper and Levi. There is a "doggie/sheep door" that allows them to access this fenced area at their own discretion.

Before: Even though this picture shows a StoryTime we had in the barn for the local library, it shows the area below the shark, not really being used except for storage for our mower, and such. We did have it fenced for Whisper to recover in, as previously mentioned.

After: It's the new stall area for the horses. The dutch door behind them can be used in difference manners, dependent on weather. The horses have adapted to the ramp to come into this area. Across from this particular stall area, is the Tack Room.

We have two Barn Cams placed in the barn, and this one happens to show the sheep shearers, along with Lauren carrying the wool. I placed this photo here so the layout of the barn can be seen a little better. From L to R: Tack Room, Sheep (who are now moved) and Dog area, Chicken Coop(s) (far right) and then the Mini Horses stall.
We first installed the Barn Cams, because at night, when things were "happening" with dogs barking, etc, it's always nice to look in the security cameras to see what shaking out there! We keep a close eye on all our babies. And, when I'm at work, I can see what everyone in the barn is doing, too. It's a good way to stay connected to the happenings in the barn.

Before: Some photos of the house as it was being gutted and walls removed.

Before: Most everything was taken out of the house, including two walls. Showing you all the pictures would likely put you to sleep. You probably get the idea. After almost 3 months of remodeling......

After: Several bathrooms were redone

After: Hardwood floors placed, with new doors, new stairs, and a more open concept

After: The view from upstairs. Now, these are just a taste of some of the changes we made. There were many. And as many changes as we made to the interior of the house, we also made great strides to the exterior of the home. A new roof, paint for the house and exterior fencing around the house was completed. The barn and garage had the same metal roofs placed on them, as well.

Before: The house looked like a KOA check-in facility. This photo is with the new roof, too. As the prior roof was green. Oh my gawd, it was horrible. The house was ever changing at this time. Then, after the roof, we had the home painted......

After: You may notice the rock on the porch, David ended up placing the flagstone on the front porch.

Still drying, at this time.

And again, After: And the house started coming together - inside and out. Slowly over 3 years, we made it our own.
Starting the before and after photos with Ginger and Butterscotch helps reflect how far we have come. We started with a run down house, 2 little chickens and us. We had no idea what we were doing. We just started doing things. Years later, we are so happy in the place we have created. It's not for everyone, that's for sure. What I've discovered is building, re-doing things, moving fencing again, changing areas and pasture, navigating animals, and more fencing changes - all brought us to where we are today. A place of our own. When I bike and run out here, I can't help but notice what other people have done as well. They are making their place their own. I find such value, joy and contentment in that. I can imagine they are as happy as I am, out here. They are moving fences, caring for animals and changing things in their lives. It makes my heart sing. I smile as I run by, knowing my own little place is waiting for me to run back home to it. And I do, every time. After all, I might want to move something around, who knows. My "Before's" are allowing me to get to the "After's". Somehow, the After's keep on ebbing and flowing.
This is the story of my life, and not just the physical things around me, but emotionally as well.
so neat to see the before and after contents …...and ..this is first pics I have seen of the outside profile of your quaint home...….so useful and practical it is ….it is you and David's redo concept that makes it special....
and the inside had much work done....I cannot imagine how busy you all ,and the contractors, must have been over these years updating and redoing.....
I am very impressed....athanks for sharing all this info …. I feel as those I have complete knowledge of where all your ' ets' / animals live and sleep … so clever and inclusive you are to treat all of them special....
love it all, thanks again for sharing...….and I read it over and over .. dad
AND YOU certainly upgraded the KOA chec in place to a beautiful , homey home ...congrats on all you major work.... plenty of it too...
inside and out it is marvelous ….. where did David dispose of pool table ….ha that must have been hard ….ha
love this blog …. familiarizes me so much with your farm...… thanks again
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