Sunday, September 17, 2017

SheepLand Update

Just like most days in my life, I'm surprised by how much I don't know, don't see clearly or all-of-a-sudden figure something new out that I thought I would have known by now. For so long, I thought I knew so much. I thought I was certain about many things in life. But, the older I get, the more I realize I have so much more to learn from life. Sometimes it's the little things: For example, SheepLand. It seemed the perfect solution to our sheep-eating-dog-food dilemma. David and I took those 459 pieces of wood, screws/washers, posts and put them all back together in "our own" new configuration - more conducive for small livestock. Namely sheep. We were so happy for several reasons 1) We did not have to make ANY additional trips to Home Depot for anything. We used what we had, and somehow made it work. It is normal for us to make 16 extra trips to town, to gather "what we think we might need". That particular size screw, a piece of lumbar, or maybe just an excuse to back away from the project for a short while. But no. We resisted, and figured it out with the supplies we had. Go Us! 2) We made a ramp in which to maneuver to the second floor. (Training the sheep to climb the ladder wasn't a good option). 3) We finished without harm to ourselves or each other. Success! Our new design gives plenty of shade to the sheep - and dogs, too. A new shade option for everyone is always welcome.
Now granted, we have not fenced around our SheepLand yet. We wanted to give everyone free range to check it out. Kind of like a Pasture Open House. The chickens visited, the barn cats milled around it, and the dogs loved being right in the middle of the pasture (which is where we put this) and laying around - and under it, in the shade. The sheep seemed curious and enjoyed it, but unfortunately, the ramp was too slick for their little split-hoof high-heels. Click click.....oooopps. Belle looked like she was trying to walk up the ramp on frozen ice, and so we knew we would need to improve on the ramp issue.
In the meantime, we are living our life ignorant of the obvious. The lambs can't get upstairs........but the dogs can. Their paws allow them to reach the second floor. So wait. It's not SheepLand!? Are we really solving our problem by putting the dog food bowls upstairs where only the dogs can go? Why didn't we see this before? No fencing needed. And we are done? Was it that easy? (It was not "that easy" to build it, mind you). But the concept of using it for the dogs - instead of the sheep - never crossed my mind. Genius! This 2 story configuration provides plenty of shade underneath it (your welcome, my sweet sheep), and the second story is for the dogs. It's where they can eat in peace. Ohhhhhh, it's a Guard Dog Tower! Right smack in the middle of the pasture. It reminds me of a LifeGuard Stand at the beach. But with two Great Pyrenees in it, watching over their flock of sheep.
So far, the dogs are hesitant about their new location of food. I would even say they are not pleased about this. There will be an adjustment period, as everyone settles in and understands what's happening. They are not big on change. But with time, they will settle into their "new normal". With time.
I can't wait to paint 'Guard Dog Tower' on it. Good thing there's not an HOA out here. My biggest concern? That the chickens don't think it's a new chicken coop for them. I saw them eyeing it.

Still figuring out life,


Kawika said...

Going backward is a good thing sometimes and ...... Changing back to SheepLand(TM)

redtop said...

best laid plans sometime go a sunder ! ?