Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Night 41, Day 42 - Onto Missouri!

Relax Inn. I wasn't sure what to expect - and have become a bit gun-shy about motels. If you happen to look at it online, or worse, read the reviews, this place would seem bad. And that's the surprising thing, you can never know for sure! I will tell you it was just fine. I was very happy with it. Don't get me wrong, it's not "great". But after my last few motels, this one was decent and very tolerable. Vinita has been nice, it seems to be a older town, with just older, more run-down businesses. It has everything we need, and that always very nice. I'm going to write a online review for the Relax Inn, as it's better than the reviews say.
We started the climbing thing a bit the last day or two. I see the flats going away, and the up/downs returning. I will need to realign my mind for the slower days, pushing of my cart more, and being watchful of the cars coming over the tops of the hills. I made a reservation for the Aurora Inn for Wednesday, and the motel clerk there warned me about it. Nothing flat around there, he said.
He did inform me that they remodeled all the rooms, including new beds, and that we would be pleased with it. Nice! For Tuesday, we will stay at the Best Western in Neosho. It's just under 50 miles to get there, as we are not quite through the main part of Vinita, yet. Those miles, plus pushing/climbing makes for a challenging day.
The pushing/climbing will get me ready for the Ozarks coming up. The weather change has been interesting, as the rain left, and a cold front is here. It's 46 degrees right now, but the high will still be in the 70's. The rain around yall in Texas seems to be there to stay awhile. Hang in there! I heard we will have rain again in the next couple of days, as well. But we, at least, get a break for a couple of days.
Hygiene report:
I couldn't believe it myself, but I actually thought about not showering yesterday. I don't have a good reason for it. Maybe I thought I wasn't that dirty. But I was. After I showered,  I felt so good, and was so glad that I had done so.  There were no laundry facilities at the Relax Inn.  I was just lazy enough to not wash any of my clothes in the shower,  knowing that Tuesday would be a long day, and I could just wear them again.  I'm going to get gross and sweaty again after all, right? I have hopes and dreams of the Best Western in Neosho maybe having laundry facilities.  A girl can dream.
 I'm looking forward to clear skies, fields of crops, friendly horses, and wide shoulders. I hope that your Tuesday is a nice one! I look forward to what the day will bring. See you soon, Missouri!

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