Wednesday, May 13, 2015

FAQ's you have asked recently

1) When do I blog?
Anytime I can! At the motel, while I'm eating, any "down" time I get, and even on the road, while I'm moving. (Only if I have a wide shoulder, in the day, and it's going to be safe to look down.)
Being out here is s full-time job, except I don't make any money. Yet, I spend a lot! This takes time, money, determination, sacrifice of family and desire. It's like a puzzle. All the pieces need to be there,  or it can't be completed.

2) How are my feet doing?
Good, considering. The major factors are : # of miles each day, weather (rain? hot?), am I running or fast walking that day (I "land" on my feet differently, depending on my gait), did I let a hot spot get out of control (blister, what phase is it in then?), and what is the terrain like (flat, up/down). I do alot of preventive maintenance. I washed and clean them well daily, lotion each night, and use of a pumice stone when necessary. Each morning, I place ointment/band aids on my problem areas for protection. It's time consuming, but WELL worth it. I've had four true blisters. They are all calloused areas now. But I have to keep my eye on them.

3) How do I decide my pace?
Flat terrain is easiest. I push and go. At whatever comfortable pace works for me that day. That doesn't happen often. It's mostly a rolling, hilly or mountainous course. So, I use my secret weapon. My music. Not just any music. I have predetermined songs for different paces. For example, if I walk to the rhythm of the following songs, they reap me consistent mph:
Timber by Pitbull feat Kei$ha = 3 mph
Baby, I'm A Star by Prince = 4 mph
Still The One by Orleans = 4 mph
Hero by Enrique Iglesias = 5 mph (super fast walk)
Show Me Love by Robyn = 6 mph (slow run)
These paces hold true if you walk/run to the beat. I may put a song on "repeat" for hours - to get through headwinds, hills, etc to keep me paced. There are other songs I use, these are a few examples of my ability to hold a pace. I can tell when I'm getting tired - I may not be able to stay true to it.
My favorite song to just move at whatever comfortable pace I'm desiring to do? Sugar, by Maroon 5. I think of my husband, and it's comforting. If you haven't watched the video, I would encourage you to do so (Thank you, Dr D's OR for bringing that to my attention. I miss yall!).

4) Differences I've noticed from Oklahoma to Missouri?
I always notice things just as soon as I cross a state line, usually.
Oklahoma: horrible shoulders, lots of snakes, mostly flat (love that!)
Missouri: generous, smooth shoulders (Good Job, MDOT!), ticks!!!, hilly.
Both BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!

5) What is the commonality about every motel I've stayed in?
EVERY motel has had a fly in it. Or some type of flying bug. Every one. Some rooms even have a fly swatter in them. Sometimes it's a communal fly swatter hanging outside. It's like a fly is welcoming me to my room, each time. I give up. I let it be.

Happy Hump Day,


Unknown said...

Love the FAQs!!


I love that you have pace songs! I may "borrow" this idea. :)

Kawika said...

There may be flies due to your door being open in every picture I see........
They don't eat much and are usually friendly!