I'm feeling like myself again, and it has taken a couple of weeks. Settlement 2.0 fits nicely with Cyndi 2.0 and I'm loving Wolfe City. I'll write all about it tomorrow (my day off) as I spent the weekend with Brooks and Olive - and unpacking and settling in around the house.
Excuse the messy janky barn as after the cold freezing weather passes, I’m looking forward to changing things up in it.
I had a blast with the kiddos on Saturday, and then really enjoyed unpacking (inside) the house and had fun with it! It's an awesome feeling to look around at the things I have in my home: only the items that I want and that I love are in my new house, as I have widdled down my belongings more than ever. What do I love and what do I need is a way of life I've desired for a long time.
I also started the process in the barn for the freezing weather-to-come (heated water buckets, etc). The animals are all doing great! Yet, I have not been able to locate Whisper and have cried many a tear, searched many a mile, while many a people have assisted with her search. I appreciate them all, and still hold out hope for my sweet girl to return. It's been heartbreaking and gut-wrenching not having her here.
I hold out hope for Whisper. 😢 Other than her, all the animals have adjusted well and are happy and healthy. I have a lot of work to do in the new barn, and can’t wait for nicer weather to come to go get in it and get after it!
More tomorrow,
Um, cuteness alert! What precious time with Brooks and Olive. So adorable and sweet. There is something very peaceful about the clip of Olive walking around with Paul in the background....settling right in!
I am so sorry that you haven't found Whisper. I'm glad there are people helping search for her. Will keep the prayers going that you are reunited with her very soon.
Hi Kim! I agree, it's so wonderful that Olive and Brooks have been able to find peace and calm with all the farm animals. They are very comfortable in that environment and I love that for them.🐔 I hope you and your family are doing well! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for Whisper. I wake up every day thinking "this is the day she'll be here again". One day.....
OMGoodness.......that smile Olive gave in the barn melted my heart.
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