Tuesday, June 25, 2024

We all have people

It was just the other day that I realized I have people. It's a gift to have people around us to love us and lift us up. And then to have farm people alongside me as well is beyond measure. These amazing and talented people direct me, educate me, assist me and truth bomb me all coming from a place of love and concern. My farm people are Beekeeper Katie, Shannon The Farrier, and Jerry The Sheep Shearer. 

Let's start with Beekeeper Katie 🐝

It was in my latest update that Katie rated my bees at 'okay not great' (her words). I think that equates to a C+. She instructed me to go get a new bee hive box which I did. And then she showed back up to move the bee frames from their existing hive to the new box. 

New box about to have the frames 
placed inside

Katie checks for larvae, pollen, and all the 
things the frames should have inside a hive.
Then she moved the frames to the new box.
Their new hive home.

Katie said the new hive box is perfect for the bees now, and that our next step is to monitor how much they are eating. In order to do this, a feeder was attached to their hive with sugar water and vitamins. And Katie will come each week to refill it, and see how much they are eating. Why? I don't know. What do I know. I'm guessing it's because she wants to make sure the bees have access to enough food and are getting the vitamins they need to be healthy. Just like us, I suppose. But she did not say.

Fancy feeder

What happened was is that she came to do all this but I was not here (I was at work). You see, she can't always come on a Tuesday when I'm off work as she has a route and she picks the day and then just shows up. Lucky me, I missed another opportunity to get in my bee suit. 😉

She did let me know that they will need a lot of syrup and will also need pollen. She said she'd bring pollen patties on her next visit. This is all via text mind you.

This is the setup for now anyway. 
She has her smoker with her, and 
I got one too. Gina let me borrow hers 🙏

So she's got the bees all fixed up. She undid the home depot bucket feeder with syrup/sticks (for now) as that does not allow her to monitor how much the bees are eating. I don't know all these things, I just have her to help me keep my bees alive and as healthy as she can get them - and I appreciate it. I went to the intensive bee class you know. But beekeeping is an art. And I'd rather do just about anything than put on my bee suit. Maybe someday I'll say otherwise because Katie is determined to make me a beekeeper. She'll talk about bees to anybody that will listen and that's okay (right, Lauren?) I'm certainly glad she is one of my people. Thank you for all you do, Katie.

Who is this Jerry guy 🐑

Living the sweet grass life in the back pasture 🌱

You know I love me some sheep. And sheep are covered in wool. And as the ball of fire in the sky heats up, I contacted my buddy, Jerry The Sheep Shearer. And to the farm he came. He has new and fancy battery-powered sheep shears so no more long extension cords for him. He makes sheep shearing look easy - and people who make hard things look easy always fascinate me. 

Belle and Lulu are in great need of getting old wool off them even though they weren’t excited to see Jerry, I was excited for them. Knowing how good they’ll feel afterwards. 

You probably know that Belle and Lulu have a pasture and barn all to themselves. Turns out, that's not all that good for them right now with this abundance of sweet grass this past spring. Too much food out there yall and they've turned into BOG's. Big Ole Girls.

‘Before’ front view 

Side view

So. I knew they were big, but it was Jerry The Sheep Shearer who confirmed it and told me to do something about it.

Jerry showed up this past Friday to shear my two sweet ewes. Belle is my girl who I received as a 1 day old lamb from a local feed store. (Long story but it’s in the blog awhile back.) Lulu was the first daughter of Belle. And can you believe Belle is now going on 8 years old and Lulu is 6 1/2 years old. They are best friends and each other's everything. Love these girls.

Okay where was I. Oh yeah, Jerry showed up and since I had been at work, Ryan was kind enough to shut them up in the barn for Jerry's arrival. Thank you, Ryan! Luckily, I left work just in time to drive up after Jerry did, and we caught up on life, as I have had him out to the farm to shear my sheep many moons ago. And here he is again. Super nice guy. He's the guy that I gave my (sheep) shears to years ago because I thought I could buy sheep shears and shear my own sheep. Instead, I almost took my arm off trying. Hence, Jerry here you go, need some new shears? And do you know I gave Jerry those shears years ago and he said he still has them. I'm glad somebody could use them because laud knows I tried. Bad idea. Instead, Jerry is my go-to for sheep shearing now. And he trims their hooves as well. 

It’s getting hot in here
 so take off all your wool.

So he shears Belle and Lulu and tells me they are too big. He advises me to move them to a different pasture area and give them less access to grass and forbs (weeds). I watch him closely as he tells me this, and I can see how serious he is about sheep. He has 50 of them himself, he says. And then proceeds to show me how I will monitor and measure their weight loss. He says Belle only needs to lose a little weight but that Lulu needs to lose alot of weight. 

Lulu (right) is in need of a decrease in food supply
but really, you guys look good in my eyes 

Alrighty, I'm beginning to think I'm managing a weight wellness clinic around here. Who needs what, how much and where do they need to be pasture-wise. But really what I'm doing is being educated and realigned regarding my farm animals which I greatly appreciate. I will do as he recommends.

So that evening after Jerry left, I moved Belle and Lulu to the dry lot where Dora and Hope along with Poppy and Pippa reside.

This part of the land which I call my dry lot, allows
me to feed as needed and restrict excess food availability
or feed based on individual needs (talking to you
prego Pippa 💟)

So it makes sense that the sheep should be on the dry lot so that I can help them lose some weight and watch them carefully as Jerry recommended. He did say if they bleat too much, it means they are hungry. Boy do I know that because they can have all the food in the world and will still bleat for more food. Silly sheep.  ** Bleat is the term used for the sound a sheep makes like maa or meh. 

Welcome to the food desert!

No more buffet

Belle and Lulu have adjusted well to their new living area. I actually get to pet them much more here, and get to look in their rectangle eyes on the daily. Thank you, Jerry for being one of my people. He encourages me to text him anytime with questions or concerns. Love that. I'll try not to bother you, Jerry. But I appreciate that you're there when I need you.

In summary thus far, the bees need more food. The sheep, less. Got it.

Realignment for Hope, now

Shannon, my farrier showed up this past week to trim the horses and donkeys feet as she does every 6 weeks. I'm still in therapy from that particular first donkey hoof trim event 6 weeks ago. But this visit, Shannon brought backup for the donkey feet trimming and her name was Amethyst. Amethyst runs a rescue/sanctuary and knows how to handle restless and uncertain and scared and tough horses and donkeys. She takes no shit off any equine and has no f’s to give when it comes to these things. She was there to do the business of getting these donkeys feet trimmed all without a fight or any funny business. 

And you know what, she and Shannon got it done. Poppy did not throw herself on the ground this time. Nobody had to hold a donkey down. Nobody got hurt. And the donkeys feet were much improved since their last trimming with all abscesses gone and feet looking beautiful. It’s amazing what dry ground and good nutrition will do for donkey feet (and horses too). A big thank you to them both, as they are truly my people. Shannon is always there for me and has been for years. I can’t imagine having my horses without her. She’s a true equine guide, a wealth of information and always lets me know that I can call her anytime if I ever have any issues with my animals. Everybody should have a Shannon in their life. And I’m so grateful I do.

And with that said, she realigns me when needed. On this particular visit, she let me know that Hope has gotten way too big and you know what, she’s right. I knew that, but sometimes it’s important to have somebody tell you the things you already know.

Hope is technically a Shetland pony,
and they are a stockier breed. 
But she is too big.
 She loves to eat her feed and 
everyone else's feed too 

From l to r:
Poppy, Pippa, Dora and Hope in the back.

Shannon, thank you for all you do. Having you as my people is a privilege. I imagine all your customers say the same. And I’ll make sure Hope has a restricted diet to get her back in better shape. Oddly, it’s not always easy feeding less to those you love. But I need to - and that comes from a place of love. Hope, please remember, it's from a place of love. 

Despite what I think

My farm is not my only or actual therapist, yet as in the classic tale Animal Farm by George Orwell, there’s many things to learn on a farm. 

In this particular story whereby the farm animals rise up against their humans alleging they are controlling and take their produce (eggs, etc) with giving little in return is a reminder of many lessons in life. I find this book fascinating with deep meaning and multiple interpretations. And while it is predominantly political, it's metaphors are many. Mostly though, it reminds me as the person in charge of all the farm animals on my own farm, I'm to be more cognizant of how I am treating everyone. That's my take away from this book. Treat them as if they were me. 

Which brings me to another grouping of people I've come to know and love. Therapist. They truly are my people. Recently, mine had me write two lists: 1) what I'm looking for in a man and 2) what qualities I bring to the table in a relationship. Hummmm this sounds hard. But I did it and when it came time to review it all with her, she said: Now, you work on being the things on your first list. Be what it is your looking for. 

Wait, we aren't going to talk about the second list? Nope. Just be what it is your looking for. 

Big sigh. 

So I'm working on that and will be the rest of my life. Be what it is I'm looking for. Turns out, it's not as easy as it sounds. It all starts with my relationship with me, myself and I. Being my own people. 

What qualities am I looking for in a mate? Be that. And my #1 item on list number one of what I'm looking for in a partner? Actions align with words. So Cyndi, focus on your actions aligning with your words. Be responsible for your actions. Paddle your own canoe. Stay in your lane. Worry about yourself. Be accountable for doing what you say and saying what you do. And don’t forget #2 on the first list: Be impeccable and kind with words. Words are important. As is tone.

The trying to try never stops. And I’m gonna ride this til the wheels fall off. 

I'm wishing myself the best,


Ryan and Lauren have people….

Yeppers, Tilson is their people 
And the sign is up and things are getting real

The site for the house is now marked on their land and so it begins.

And also, they had a party for some of their people - their friends. 

Even Paul enjoyed the party

Fun was had by all. Bounce house.
Kids fished and caught fish (which is
important for kiddos).
Lots of farm animal petting. 
And sharing time with each other.

I know one thing for sure. This sweet family that lives with me? They are my true people ❤️


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Wealth of Health


Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in a webinar regarding the blood cancer, polycythemia vera that I have. 

PV is tricky

Prior to the event, each participant received a package via Fed Ex that included many valuable resources along with information and booklets to follow along while attending the webinar. The webinar was amazing, educational and brings me closer to a world of people who live this same life as I do and/or work in the field of myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) which is the blood cancer category that my cancer falls under. PV as it's called in the cancer world, is considered a rare cancer and while many people have never heard of it (I had not either until my diagnosis) I enjoy sharing information about it as it helps those around me understand my symptoms and how it may affect me in my life. I was thinking about this because the other day as I realized that my hair has begun to start growing again and my nails are not as terrible as usual. 

I have mentioned before that I have lost a couple of fingernails along my cancer treatment journey due to the toxicity of the treatment. But since I've started having monthly cancer treatments (rather than every 2 weeks) I can tell a noticeable reduction in (one of many side effects) of my hair and fingernail loss. When I lost my fingernail on my pointer finger is when I noticed how much I use it for normal daily activities like picking up coins, opening flip top cans, as well as the many uses at work (as a nurse) that I rely on it for. 

I was thrilled to have this simple thing such as hair in my hair brush again and the luxury to cut my nails because they were growing. I may be missing a couple of nails but I'm so very grateful to have the ones I do have. It's the little things in life that bring increased appreciation and normalcy to my daily life. This is one that fills my soul-cup up just a little more. Truly fits the saying, it's the little things in life. It really is. 

All guests must be approved by the pigs

* Before pic *
My makeshift Pig and Goat Pen constructed with all
the fencing ingredients I could muster up around here. 
Hahaha I was so proud of myself for creating this, silly me.

It's true, the pigs and goats were fine as they were living inside my makeshift pen. It was definitely a necessity to confine the mischievous and curious goats as they were eating all the bark off many of the trees and also all the chicken food faster than I can eat a can of icing and trust me, that's fast as I can put away some icing. 

So God intervened and decided that there were some people who needed some things from each other. Please clarify, you ask.

It all started on Mother's Day. I noticed that a duck down at the pond was missing. Hum, that's odd. Upon closer and further evaluation, I found suspicious feathers near the pond that told me something had happened to one of my ducks. Ugh. One lone duck, who appears to be looking for it's friend is all that's left standing. The friend duck was there yesterday, as I remember being down there and seeing it. Now, it's gone. 

So I go to my answer for everything....Craigslist Texoma. And sure enough, I find someone in Sherman selling 3 female teenage ducks. He had bought them at Tractor Supply for his son, and now the ducks were grown and they could not keep them. No problem, I text the number given and sure enough, we arrange a time to meet in the Tractor Supply parking lot in Sherman for a pickup. 

The meeting went well, and the man was happy to sell me his ducks and I was happy to take them. Then, he asked if he could give me his business card and if I ever needed fencing or tree trimming, he could be of help. Awesome, I think. And immediately, I knew what I wanted. I have been dreaming of a nice fenced area for my pigs and goats. So I asked him if he could come out for an estimate.

Did you know that he came to the farm that afternoon, and by the next day I had my estimate. Then, I said yes to the estimate and within a couple of days, he (and his adult son) were building me a fence.

Little did I know that he needed the money and I needed the fence. He had told me he was having an anniversary party that following Saturday and they had spent much money on it. Perfect, I'm thinking. There was something about this fateful meeting in the parking lot at Tractor Supply that neither of us knew about. It was a chance meeting whereby we both would be given an opportunity to receive from one another. 

They worked so hard on this fence, esp making sure it's 
sturdy around the bottom so the pigs don't push their way out.

This man can build a fence. Any kind of fence you want. Pipe, wood, t-post, whatever your heart desires. Handmade gate or store bought gate, whatever you'd like. And within a few days that same week, my dream came true and suddenly Baby, Maggie, Wilbur, Coco and Pearl were all living in a upsized living space full of grass, goat toys, downed limbs for nibbling and all their sleeping houses enclosed in this area as well. 

I threw many of the downed branches from the storms
into their area. Both the pigs and goats are enjoying the
limbs, leaves and bark of the trimmings. 

The handmade gate is probably my favorite.
He suggested a sign across the top, and I can't wait
to decide what the sign will be. 

I'm telling you it was magical. I was able to pick out what I wanted and he built it exquisitely. Perfectly. Did you know that kind and gentle man worked all week with his son beside him, and built a fence that's sturdy, beautiful, painstakingly straight with a handmade 6 ft gate that's so downright gorgeous that I would marry it if I could. 

This area gives the 3 piggies and 2 goats 
plenty of room to roam

I love the location and convenience of having them
close to the barn. And they still have all their pig and
goat houses under their awning for nighttime
and bad weather.

Baby is doing well. She's taken up sleeping in one of the
goat houses instead of her own and I don't even
understand how she fits in there. But I've seen it with
my own eyes.

Coco has shed her winter coat and she's a
pretty girl with her smooth brown fur. 

All because I lost a duck on Mother's Day that this man came into my life when we both needed each other for different reasons. We were brought together and not as a chance meeting. Truly an intentional introduction. Neither of us knew it at the time, but we do now. 

He sent this pic from his anniversary party.
So beautiful - and I imagine it was a 
huge celebration! 

And sure enough, he had his very-special anniversary party. He sent me a picture - and I was so touched by it and the fact he included me in his personal world was priceless.They had this most amazing and wonderful celebration of their love and time together (26 years) with all their family and friends. He had worked so hard all week and blessed me with a fence I could only dream of - and now somehow had. And all week long he talked about his upcoming anniversary party (and that he was nervous, which I thought was cute) and then it turned out as magical as my fence. 

Wait, what about the ducks?

These three new girls are happy with their
new place - and new friend

And my lone duck is happy to have 3 sister wives 💙

My therapist has whiskers

Let me explain.....

The Cat House

Kitty and Finn enjoying the weather and having 
their own space

My relationship with these kitties has changed drastically. I'm able to love, pet and care for them more readily and I truly feel they are safe and happier in their new space. Each of these precious kitties are older. Even when they were in the house and used the doggie door to go outside, they were hanging around sleeping or just laying around. They weren't really catting around much anymore for the most part. But they were leaving all their cat hair in the house, scratching up the furniture and deciding to occasionally potty in the house and not in the litter box. So decisions had to be made and this seemed like the best option for everyone. Ryan and I put it together (from much of the fencing from the old pig and goat makeshift pen) and after Cat Sanctuary 1.0 did not hold them all in (they were climbing over the fence) we went to 2.0, then 3.0, then 4.0 then 4.1 finally held them in. And ever since, they are doing great right where they are.  

June Bug in her spot.
She was our talented escape artist.
Now, she's settled and loves all the 
attention that comes her way.

The easy life

This Cat House is purrrfect. Absolutely the cat's meow for us all. Thank you, Ryan for helping make this happen with me. We worked hard to give Kitty, June Bug and Finn a place of their very own - with many visitors who love being able to get to them, pet them, and be with them. Including myself! A common request kids have when visiting the farm is to see and pet the cats (odd, but true). That was not doable before, as the kitties are all elusive with visitors. Now, they enjoy the pets and attention in a safe environment. No more running away. They are here for it. Yes, it's voluntold love that they didn't know they needed but now enjoy (and tolerate).

Go Man Go

I’ve always been a go man go kind of girl. So in an unusual turn of events which I'll explain, I got something that’ll help me go a little faster.

Going to place eggs in the egg fridge up front.....

Then back home jiggity jig. 

How exactly did this happen? One word: Richard. You know Richard, the friend who works on my mowers, and cars and installed my generator. Well, he rebuilds things into other things. And he built this contraption from a motorcycle and turned it into a truckster. A Cushman Truckster. 

The Littles love it!

I know I will definitely regret this purchase when something does not work right with it one day, but Richard really wanted to sell it to me and the price was right. Living this second life seems to be doing some crazy things to me but I'm loving every minute. 

Enough about me

Look whose walking! Olive (Ollie Girl) is turning one year old on July 3rd and we will certainly celebrate that soon. For now......she's walking into 1 year old like a boss. 

Bee Good Bee Sweet

Before I say an actual pray, I want to say oh my gaud this bee thing. Why. Why do I torture myself like this.

My neck is tense just looking at this

I am riding the Help Me Please bus with these bees. So I've enlisted the help of a young lady by the name of Katie. She's a beekeeper who you pay, and she helps care for your bees. This is an actual occupation that people put a bee suit on every day and care for bees. Wow.

So Katie arrived to the farm to make her first appearance to assist me with my bees. I met her when I got my bees at The Bee Supply in Blue Ridge. She's a petite young (probably 25?) year old who is a beekeeper by trade that looks like she jumped out of Hee Haw and Woodstock all at the same time. Bandana tied around her neck, blond hair up in a messy pigtail of some sort, adventurous while marketing her beekeeping skills wherever she can all with a fun and carefree vibe. She's just someone you'd want to put in your pocket and carry her around with you.

She found the queen though! 

She rated my hive as OK not great. I'll take that.

This is so Katie

She set up a 5 gallon bucket with a gallon of sugar water in it all while placing sticks inside the bucket for the bees to walk down on to the water. Who knew. Genius. Seems my hummingbird feeders weren't doing the trick.

Thank goodness for this beekeeper, Katie. She helped me get my bees squared away today and will come by and do things for them every 1-2 weeks. Alrighty then. I feel really good about my beekeeping now. Really good. What's the big deal, bees are easy. Right, Katie? I feel like I'm cheating on a test having hired her. But I think an A++ is in my future after my C- today in regards to my beekeeping. Katie is the bees knees.

On last thing

Oh yeah, knees. My knee. Update please: I went to a supposed preop surgery appt at the beginning of June and to keep this short, the ortho surgeon postponed my knee surgery. Until when, I do not know. He is wanting the stress fracture in my tibia to heal first before doing surgery on my meniscus, and upon xray that day, the fracture is still in the healing process. 

I was relieved and I was disturbed. And I was surprised. I had off work for the surgery planned and ready, I had everything set up, and bam, no surgery. Okay then, I shall wait and everything little thing is gonna be alright now. These things take time. How much time? Only God knows this, so I will defer to Him. Until then, I'm still biking and started swimming laps. No running, I promise. This is going to be a process and I'm all in for it. Time heals everything. Hearts and knees. 

I've saved the best for last y'all.........

But first (drum roll please) a special announcement:

Lauren and Ryan signed up to start building their new house on their property! They are having the site placement decision and marking completed very soon which will determine where the house will be laid out on their acre and a half. Then, the breaking ground will happen in the next 60-90 days they say. It's exciting, bittersweet (for me) and Lauren says she feels scited (that's scared and excited). I can see the excitement in Ryan's eyes. So you can bet your bippy that I'll be posting pics of that process. The fun never stops around here! 

Lastly though, I do want to thank God for all his grace and blessings he's brought into my life. I'm so fortunate to wake up each day that I'm given. 


Dear God, 

You never let me down. You allow me to fall if I must fall. You teach me that the one I am becoming will catch me, but really, that one is you. And I thank you.

You show me the roads to realizing my dreams. You put people in my path with purpose. You bring new loving souls into my life to love as well as allowing the development of new and improved relationships with those loved ones already near and dear. And I thank you. 

You provide all that I need in my life. And I thank you.


Exodus 14:14

Hold your peace and the Lord will fight for you. You only need to be still. 

Feeling extra-grateful these days,


Monday, June 10, 2024

There's something new here


As the world turns, I'll treat you with a window into something new on the farm. It's not Brooks in his skivvies washing his big rig in the chicken water. That's never new. But something behind him for the pigs and goats......more soon.......