As everyone on the Graves Farm settles into their little life, the storms pass and the blue skies with their white, puffy clouds shine bright in the sky. It’s the time of year when the wind feels magnificent, as it dries the salty sweat off our sun-kissed skin. All while inside, I’m happy to report that we’ve had no need of further switching of rooms and everyone seems satisfied with their living quarters. We are now in cruise mode, finding routine and rhythm in our daily activities.
So, how is little Olive?
She’s beautiful, she’s three weeks old, and she’s extremely adaptive. Growing up on a farm with lots of noise, especially dogs barking and a nearby toddler playing and talking along with many people coming and going in the house, Olive thrives well in this environment. She sleeps through much of the hubbub and is what I like to call 'an easy baby'. That's also easy for me to say because I am the Nana. I've seen lots of babies in my life and can say that Olive is a gem to care for and typically cries for a reason not to just cry. So that makes life a little easier as going through the rolodex list of milk, diaper, need of nap, burping, etc that there's typically something on the list she is needing when she uses her voice.
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Nothing like a sleeping baby |
And what about Brooks?
I think we all know that having a new, additional member of the family who takes up much of the time and attention can be a bit of a climb for a 2 year old whose used to being 'the only one'. Overall, Brooks is doing extremely well and enjoys living his own little life, which includes playing, more playing, eating, and then playing again. And also for this 2 1/2-year-old little boy this playing includes a lot of running. I'm often asked if he's jealous of Olive, but I typically say No because it's not a competition for him. He mostly just wants his Mama at certain times and I find that's his way of asking for more mom-time when he's needing it. He’s become quite the expert at feeding the farm animals when we go to the barn and is able to navigate his way around the property with ease. By this I mean he knows where things are, he knows where he can go and where he can’t go, and he’s figuring out this big life change slowly. He’s extremely helpful in feeding the animals and loves them very much. He’s not afraid of grasshoppers jumping at him in the pasture, and he’s not afraid to reach out and pet a chicken. Oddly, his kryptonite right now? The wind. Yes, the wind is not his friend and I’m not able to tell you why. But he's likely to be a meteorologist when he grows up with his new-found fascination of wind. He will intently watch the trees limbs moving about, or observe how much the flag is blowing around, or how much the wind chimes are chiming. He's watching closely. And when it's 'too windy', he wants too go inside. Luckily, his sand box is on the front porch and mostly out of any wind environment. And let's also add to this mix that he is in full-on potty training mode. He's wearing big-boy underwear and while he enjoys being out of a pull-up, it's now a constant reminder of 'do you need to potty?' Ahhhh, a newborn and a toddler. I'm here for it.
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Front porch sandbox playing now includes potty breaks. |
I'm proud of Brooks as he's doing great all while starting a new school, receiving a baby sister, moved houses, is dealing with chiggers in the grass and chigger bites (which is new) and the wind. Don't forget the wind. That seems new too. Keep up the good work, Brookie Boo!
Let's talk adjustment elsewhere, shall we?
How's Maggie?
Doing great except for the heat. She's not a fan of the 100 degree temps. Maggie is such a sweet piggie. She knows who we are, she knows her name and she knows when there's food involved. Food-motivated is an understatement in her world. All the food all the time please.
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She LOVES her swimming pool but wow, it's always full of dirt from her rolling around in her muddy water/dirt when I wet down the dirt in her pen. |
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Never without dirt on her snout. |
Hey, you haven't updated the Little Girl Area lately
I haven't! Remember when we had a couple of silkie chicks not that long ago? Look at this cutie pie now.....
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There's a poof ball on her tail, on her head and on her feet. |
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Chompchi is such a good mama. An old mama, yet she never stops nurturing whether it's her babies or someone else's. |
In this same fenced land of The Little Girl Area......we also have other visitors besides the silkie hens and chicks. First, we have Rusty who is in confinement until any chicks are older - due to a roosters desire to actually hurt chicks. It's a competition thing for them, I think. So until babies are bigger, Rusty lives a life with fencing around him within the Little Girl Area. Then, he'll eventually come out with the silkie hens providing the possibility of more silkie chicks again. For now, he's living with himself and the rooster in the mirror.
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He's gorgeous and he knows it 💪 |
Other tenants in The Little Girl Area happen to be 4 little chicks-not-yet-chickens that were gifted to me not too long ago. They were given to me when I went to buy some hens from a lady in Gainesville (off Craigslist of course) and the bonus was 4 random, mixed breed chicks who are now growing up and not yet ready to get out into the gen pop. Are they hens or roosters? Don't know yet. But you know the rule in gen pop..... if you crow, you go.
AND another fascinating find off Craigslist was this.....
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Such a bougie feeder for my bougie chickens! And there's one of my sweet random hopefully-girl teenagers in the background. Not a girl yet not a women. |
I know, I know. I'm excited about a chicken feeder and that's okay. These feeders are way too much $$$$ online in the real world, therefore Craigslist is the way to go for things like this. Since Rusty is confined, he needs a feeder as do the others, so chicken feeders are very important as they are time-savers. Fill them up and leave them for a few days. Why has it taken me so long to learn this.
Tell me more
Okay, so I've been filling up multiple feeders every day of my chicken life. Yes, spending WAY too much time filling feeders multiple times a day esp as my flock has doubled. So finally, my chicken brain told me to purchase large chicken feeders and only fill them every few days.
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These OverEZ feeders are amazing! 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I even splurged and got a waterer one, too. Life changing over here. |
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My chicken feeding area has certainly evolved. Less feed waste, less time spent filling feeders and a happy flock! |
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These 'trash can' chicken feeders that David made years ago are wonderful! They hold a lot of feed and have very little feed waste. |
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This is a popular area with water, and food - and a fan. |
So now I have more time placed back into my life. I can feel the difference every day now, and am most grateful for all the large chicken feeders that each hold a 50 lb bag of chicken feed. It's been life changing for me, and allows me more time to do other things like clean up chicken poop, go for a run, play with Brooks, go on a bike ride, groom the horses or hold sweet Olive. So many options for which to use any and all available free time. The olden days of back-n-forth from the Tack Room gathering chicken feed in scoops and filling all the multiple chicken feeders is gone. Gone I tell you. My biggest obstacle at this time is keeping water buckets full during these hot days. It's all part of the hot summer months and we'll get through it. I've tried auto-fill water buckets, but oddly, the pressure of the water lines on our property wreck havoc on those devices. So for now, the water filling is a manual process. For now.
So now you know
Alrighty, the chickens are all set up and I never in my life would have told you I'd have this many chickens. The eggs are selling well, along with David's homemade BBQ sauce and his homemade biscuits all of which are sold in the egg fridge up at the front of the property. I'm currently also testing a percentage of the chicken eggs for freshness during these hot summer months. How? By placing them in water to see if they float or sink. They should sink to the bottom. That means they are fresh and good eggs. So far so fresh. And due to the high number of eggs I get each day, picking up all of the eggs out of the heat every day is important. And then testing them to ensure their quality. The last thing I want to do is sell bad eggs. Ugh, that would be horrible.
How quickly I forget
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Coco and Pearl |
Goats are the worst 😉 They are mischievous and curious creatures. I just love them. They get in the chicken coops - or try to. They are independent and playful. Sweet, nosy Coco is extremely dog-like and desires to be petted and loved. She always wants to know if I have a treat in my hand. Then there's Pearl - shy and timid. And since she's a fainting goat, that does not work in her favor. Her legs will lock up in a second and over she falls. I try not to scare her, but sometimes I can't help it because I don't see her and since anything scares her.....well, over she goes.
How's the mini's?
So good!
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They love each other so much 💕 |
Dora and Hope spend their days in the barn, in their stalls with their fans on them. Most of the time, they stay in one stall together - chosen by them to do so, in front of the fan (even though they each have their own space and own fan). The fans help cool them but also keeps the flies off them. It's genius and works wonderfully. When dusk falls, they are released to their pasture to run around and stretch their legs. Then in the morning again, they come up to the barn for their fan(s) and breakfast. It's a routine that they rarely miss. Hope's skin condition has resolved with this routine and these two mini's are a treat for me. They are easily haltered and groomed. They really are special, as I've heard mini horses can be hard to handle. We've come a long way, esp Hope. Dora is a natural love bug, and has shown Hope that life is good. We are all in a good place together with trusting one another and allowing pets and love. Hope is standoff-ish somewhat still but will likely always be that way due to her history prior to coming to us and I'm okay with where we are at in life with her. Dora, on the other hand, is in your pocket and desiring pets and more pets please. They balance each other out well.
What about Sugar?
So while I'm out and about in the barn with Maggie The Pig, the chickens, Paul The Turkey, the mini's, Coco and Pearl, Belle and Lulu Sheepies, and our amazing livestock guard dogs that forever keep everyone alive.......where's Sugar?
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She's patient. And waits for me to finish my chores. |
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I come and go from this feeding table in the Tack Room. She watches and waits, sometimes coming to find me and tell me to hurry because she's ready to be held. She and I are actually one. 💞 |
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I'm in and out of the Tack Room gathering feed and distributing to everyone. Sugar is very used to this routine. |
It feels good to give good news and report that everyone is doing well.
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This is what 5 pm looks like. Dogs resting, getting ready for a night of guarding the animals. |
And while everyone is well and healthy, I relish in these moments. Our settlement is settling and it's going well. There is one big difference around here.......I burn a lot more trash than I used to.
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4 adults and 2 children can generate more trash than can fit in our trash receptor. Not to worry.....I love a good burn. |
And I also blog with this one beside me:
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My newest blog buddy |
So as Olive sleeps and I listen to her sleeping-cooing noises and watch her sleep-smiles come and go, I know I'm one lucky Nana.
Happy 3 week old, Little One!
Love to you all,
Ahhhhhh......I just love a good farm update where everyone is happy and healthy and loving life.
Olive is adorable and I laughed out loud and the sandbox play with porch potty breaks picture. That is a classic that should be shared at his wedding when he is an adult. :-)
The chicken feeds seem like a life saver. I do remember the days of having a dozen or so chickens and debating how many chickens made you a crazy chicken lady. Then there was chicken math because it was changing so rapidly. Now you have your own flock (is that what a group of chickens is called?).
You and Sugar were always very bonded, but I am betting all the changes has made the 2 of you even closer.
Fav Quote: "We are now in cruise mode, finding routine and rhythm in our daily activities." Man I love cruise mode!!
Brooke - I so agree with you! Life feels so good when we are in cruise mode. I also remember the days of have a dozen chickens and thinking I had so many. And thinking the barn was so dirty. Little did I know.........
Yes, a grouping of chickens is a flock and man, do I have a flock. I hope you and your family are doing well and that you also are in cruise mode. Much love, C
I'm so glad you all have been able to settle in to a good routine. Olive is so precious....those cheeks in that picture!! Love it, so sweet. Good luck on the potty training for Brooks, it looks like things are off to a good start. What a cute and funny picture on the front porch. :)
So many chickens, so little time....until now! Very neat to see the new chicken feeders to help make things more manageable. I've had a lot of those "why didn't I think of this before now?" moments so I can definitely relate.
I love the bond between you and Sugar and I'm glad she's doing ok with all the changes. She's a fighter that one....might be why the two of you are so well matched!
Take care!
Hi Kim!! I love that: "so many chickens, so little time". That's a great title for a blog post! And apparently, I've lost control of naming them all which for me is hard. You know me.....I think they all should have a name.
It's always good hearing from you - and the C3 team. I wore my t-shirt just yesterday! Hope all is well in your world, and that you are staying cool in these hot summer months. Much love, C
so interesting you can remember names of all you animals just amazes me....and you love them all so much..
so glad Brooks helps with the feedidng of arm animals... that gives you more time for , you are busy ...
and you have automated your farm with feedng devices, watering devices and all which save you time and energy ...
love your blog it often..........thanks for including us...
Brooks and I dont like chiggers .............
and I love sleeping like Olive does ....
wownderful kids .....and cyndi loves them dearly she does the chickens, the goats, the sheep , the e t c .... she loves farming ....including fishing ...
wish i could join her ...maybe some day ...?? maybe !
HEY ...does Brooks help you collect eggs daily ??? bet he is lots of help ....
or does he like feeding chickens.../ ? altho , i see you are going to the advanced science feeders......ha well, he can fill them when he learns...
love your blog gal...... everything fine in r g v ....altho mom a bit puny today, went to do c and she is better after chatting with health pros ...... another antibiotic......
Cyndi I love that you want all the chickens to have names but yes that would be quite an undertaking to try to do now! Life always throws the occasional curveball or two but I'm doing well and hanging in there. This heat though....ick. I don't like cold weather, but this heat is rough. I hope all the animals are doing ok.
cyndis chicken how it is growing ...various varieties...
still hot as blazes...hope all the farm holding up ok ....
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