I am on my way to Carrizozo. My Spot Gen 3 Satellite Tracking device had a battery blow-up issue. I will resolve when I get into town tonight. When I get it corrected, I will begin tracking from that town, again. Should be fine, I think the extreme hit in the day - and cold nights made one of the batteries mad.
Night 21, Day 22, eventually Night 22:
Last night, we camped in the White Sands Missile Area in the desert. We did not go into that area, I can assure you! I could hear (throughout the night and earlier today), the special planes flying over the area. Wish I knew what they were called? They are fast, loud, and look like fighter planes.
I made camp at our agreed upon mile marker at about 9pm. It was about a 52 mile day. I knew John would be coming in later, but he ended up not arriving til midnight.
I will say that this is the first night that, even though I was cold, it was tolerable. No shivering, I could hear the cows in the field opposite "moo-ing" every now and then. But what bothered me the most were the coyotes howling. I've heard them before when we camp, but it sounded like so many of them, this time. I slept hard, as I was tired and not too too cold.
We popped up bright and early to get a start on a second 50 mile day in a row. We are doing a bit of climbing, so it's not necessarily a fast day. There are downs which help even it all out time wise.
We will get to Carrizozo later this evening, and stay in a motel there. Then, in the morning (Day 23), we get on 54, which, after two days, will take us back to our beloved US60.
New Mexico has been challenging in several ways. Not much AT&T cell service, many miles between towns, not a lot of convenience stores around. The altitude has been tough, as its a lot colder. Not to mention climbing.....but climbing is part of the deal though. It's a big part of the area we go through. Throughout a lot of this trek!
For those following on the map, we will get on 54 tomorrow, and head to Corona. Then the next day, we will reach Vaughn and get on US60. And head to Texas!!!!!!!!!!
Hygiene Report:
I am happy to say that I will shower tonight at the motel, clean my nails, wash my hair, and wash my clothes in the shower. I look forward to it!!
Better get back at it....a motel awaits me.
I'll get the satellite tracker fixed tonight!! Thanks for your patience.
1 comment:
So glad you were able to get your "spot" running again! Thanks for letting us know it was temporarily unavailable. :) I am always so impressed with how - in the middle of no where - you are able to find what you need to keep things working!!
Wow - two long 50 mile days....you are doing so incredibly well!! Stay strong...we are all here supporting you!
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