Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 5, 6, 7 - Desert

Hi! Hope your week has been off to a good start!

I will be making my way out of the desert, around late this evening. We'll be making our way to Parker. I'll be in Arizona before too long!!
As we left  29 Palms, we had gathered at least 3 gallons of water (1 gallon = 8 lbs), plus other fluids. Purchased food  that is sealed - so that critters in the desert don't visit me while I sleep in their territory. (Yes, I use my flashlight before I pick my sleeping spot. I make sure there are no snake holes or ant beds too close!). So with my food and drink in my cart, we head out to cover the approx 100 miles on our own. We did pass the 29 Palms airport, and were able to stop there for a break. It's small, but they had a picnic table under an awning, that had shade. Shade would be a rarity for awhile! 
We moved about 40 miles (includes getting out of Yucca Valley, to 29 Palms, and into the desert - a little ways), and decided to camp. This would be my first time to sleep out in the desert. I was nervous. And after dragging my far-to-heavy cart through the sand about 40 ft from the road (in the dark), I picked a spot, set up my sleeping bag/bivy and tarp. (I'll post a pic of that on Instagram. It's lovely). Needless to say, I did not sleep well. The wind picked up, and blew my tarp around. I was trying to decide if it was a bobcat trying to get me, or a rattlesnake stuck in it?!? In the end, it was only my tarp, making noise, and everything was fine. I awoke the next morning, not very rested. I'll do better, Night 2, in the desert. 
So, the next day was spent making our way (running, run/walk or walking) across the desert. It's beautiful!!! I'm trying to enjoy each moment. It was tough, yet the memories last a lifetime. 
Night 2 in the desert. Okay, I've got this! 42 miles and I'm ready to sleep! Since the wind picked up, I will not be putting that tarp up! Sleeping bag, under the stars. Thousands of stars! I laid there  thinking: How is it, I'm laying in the middle of the desert, under the stars? Wow! Then I feel asleep, and slept like a baby. 
And Day 7 began. Time to leave the desert, until we do this again, in Arizona. We won't be out of it til later, but the desert has taken pity on me, and gave me a tail wind, and partly cloudy day, for my last day here. Thank you! It's about 10am, and are moving toward Vidal junction. 
Hygiene Report:
I'm dirty, my fingernails are full of something that resembles dirt? Day old sunscreen still there. I've not taken my socks off in 3 days. Blisters are covered, and doing well! No feet issues for now. I'm afraid to take my socks off. I have brushed my teeth, each morning, using my much-valued water. 

Will close, and get moving. A motel in Parker is in my future, if we can do about 43-45 miles today. Can do. 

Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Sounds amazing! Sleeping under the stars in the desert! I can't imagine how much the desert has taken it out if you guys though! Glad your feet are better!! And yes I hope you make it to a hotel tonight! I think you've earned it! Be careful!!

Gates said...

Sometimes I wish I was there with you. Ok I will be there in spirit.
Glad you spirits are still good.

Texmexjack said...

Amazing! Gig'Em!

Unknown said...

So proud of you having a successful first week... crossing the first state through a huge city, mountains and desert!
Love your updates and so glad your feet are better. :)