Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 23, Night 23

Bound for Bliss!! (Shoutout Yogi Shanell who has a online company with that name). The word Bliss is on my mind today. It's how I'm feeling, and I'm afraid if everyday was this good, I would just live out here on the road. Luckily, the hard days are around!! So I will not be here eternally. 
What makes it so good? A generous, smooth shoulder. A light cool breeze. RR tracks following me. Lightly rolling terrain. Beautiful backdrop. And I talked with family (David, and sister, Sheryl) this morning, with my runner-friend, Gates, my sweet daughter, Lauren.  That really lifts my spirits! Their support fuels me, as does everyone's. It feeds my soul. 
Speaking of that, I think I ate enough yesterday for 4 days. Mostly, out of my cart food. I'm trying to eat, eat, eat. My weight is doing well, I'm happy to report. 
And today, from Carrizozo to Corona, I've decided not to watch mile markers. I'm going to not focus on it today. The last two 50 ish mile days had me hyper - focused on it. Going to free myself from that today. There's nothing between here and Corona, but I'm ready with food/drink in my cart.  
Simply a day to kickback, put the miles down sweetly, and enjoy. 
As I was nearing Corona, I decided to call the (one) cafe in town to see how late they would be open. They said 15 more minutes. I explained I was running across America, and would be staying there tonight in the (one) motel. She immediately asked me what I would like to eat - and drink - and she would go put it in my motel room, which would be unlocked when I arrive (which, as you've seen in my other posts, these small town motels do that regularly). It happened just that quick. Boom. And she hung up. Like this is a regular thing? 
Still a little unsure of it all, I arrive in Corona, and find out my room is #7. The guy who runs the motel is here, and says my food is in my room. And it was! How does this happen? I'm telling you, these small towns never cease to amaze me. Even though there's really nothing in this town, and what is here is closed, I somehow have dinner. I still can't wrap my head around this whole phenomenon. The more I go through these towns, the more I want to live in one. 
On a side note, I will say that I've never stayed in a motel so close to the RR tracks. If I threw a rock really hard, I could probably hit it. Very intriguing. I bet I'll sleep through it! 
Today, we moved past 900 miles. Still hard for me to believe it myself. The best part? I get to buy a new map.....a Texas one to reference from my cart. 
Tomorrow, we continue on 54 up to Vaughn......then take US60. 
I'll see what the day will bring then. 
Hygiene Report:
This multiple day stay in motels is nice. I get to clean up, sleep warm, and feel safe. Very grateful, Cyndi


Unknown said...

Glad to hear all is going well, Go Cyndi GO.

Unknown said...

I am beginning to understand why people move/retire to places like Arizona and New is not just climate, but must also be the people!
What a blessing after a day one you feet to walk into your hotel and dinner be waiting! Of course, I also give you a lot of credit for having the forethought to call ahead and inquire when they will close. :)
