Friday, April 3, 2015

Day 2 - The Awakening (or the Wake Up, Slap-in-the-face Day)

So it's all fun and games until it becomes real. It became real today. We made great mileage - but at a tortoise pace. (35 miles again).That's okay. You know why? Because I've been spoiled with my super-crew, biggest fan, most supportive husband, David. There is no David out here. He's always there with food, drink and support of all kinds. And all I do is run.'s me. Pushing my worldy belongings, my food and hydration, and caring for all my basic needs - while still moving forward those same types of miles. Today was a learning day, as I'm beginning to think they will all be that way. I helped change a flat tire on John's cart, beginning to master my food and drink daily needs, and sleeping outside with minimal things. I've got this. I just need more time to work on it. Luckily, I have thousands more miles to practice.
We continued through the greater LA vicinity. Crossing streets, traffic, side walks, no side walks. All the while, mountains following my every step. SO beautiful! And the industrial areas......simply amazing! I usually fly past them in a car without a thought. Now, I'm watching these huge cranes load railroad cars. The plant itself is one mile long. It was fascinating! And on the other side of the road? Thousands of cars.....going to car-heaven. Totaled - in tragic accidents. And now they lonely. Waiting for a car auction, or junkyard, to believe in them again. Hundreds upon hundreds of these wrecked, mangled and twisted cars, from horrible car accidents. I now know where they go - while they await new owners.
I ate at an authentic Mexican food place. No one spoke English. I ordered my food (pollo quesadilla, of course), and sat out at the picnic tables with others who stared at me. Life is good.
Now I lay, once again in my sleeping bag, in my bivy sack, with my tarp over me to protect me from the condensation.....out in the middle of a sand and dried grass field. The road I lay on is one that goes to some power lines. Hope there's not a midnight trip for repairs out here tonight! Oh geeez.
I'm more worried about the critters and bugs. I keep hearing strange noises. Probably just my imagination. We may get crazy and get a motel tomorrow night. It's either that - or sleep in the field of turbines (another amazing feast for my eyes)!
First things first, I need to see what my night brings. And if I'm lucky, and awake the same as when I fell asleep.....I'll cross my fingers for morning gas-station coffee.
The following is not intended for those with weak stomachs:

Hygiene Report: Again, no shower. Yes, Sheryl, the same clothes were worn again today. I can't believe it either. I brushed my teeth with water from my water bottle. I DID wash my face at the authentic Mexican food place bathroom. That was a treat!!! Now, if only I didn't have to get up in the night to tinkle. But I know better than that.

I better get some sleep. The light from my phone is drawing flying things around my face. I know one thing for sure. There are no sprinklers going to go off at 2am - and drench my stuff again. I worked hard today to dry it all out - on my cart - as I moved down the road. That's another story.

Good night,


Unknown said...

You SOOOO have this and yes, I am sure learning/adjusting the entire time! So proud of you and appreciate the that we can get a little insight to your experiences!!
Sending our hugs and love - hope you get some coffee to start day 3 and had an uneventful night of sleep.

Brooke S. said...

Thanks so much for the hygiene report! I was so focused on all the running & lack of amenities, I didn't think about all the awesome places you'll see & interesting people you'll meet. You're like our very own Forest Gump! Keep up the good work, we are all rooting for you. "Run Cyndi Run!!"