It was only yesterday that Lauren was born. Well, 28 + years ago technically. She's my one and only. She loved anything and everything pink, believed in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy (until mom forgot to put money under her pillow, twice). Her imagination ran wild when playing with toys, esp Barbies and Polly Pockets. There was no doll or doll house that she could pass by. Loving, curious, smart and playful.......seems like just yesterday.
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Pink walls, pink everything |
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Pink swimsuit, pink flip flops |
Then, it happens. What we all think will never happen - as it just does not seem feasible to fathom it when they are growing up. They have a baby of their own. All that practicing with dolls, watching mom do all the things for so many years, then BAM! A baby of her own.
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Brooks |
It happened on Oct 14, 2020 all while Covid would not allow anyone in the hospital but her and her husband, Ryan. As I sat at the kitchen table that special night, the most special day in the life of my daughter, I cried. I wasn't there to help her, to be with her, or to support her by her side. I was home crying at the kitchen table, with David staring across from me knowing he could not console me.
Happily, Lauren and Ryan had checked into the hospital the night before her scheduled induction on Oct 14th. But no induction would be needed, as Lauren had her bouncing baby boy by the next day at 11:30 am (ish). It's almost like you're hit in the face with a frying pan after labor. What just happened? Here, here's your newborn child. His name would be Brooks Graves Cannon. He's all yours to keep alive and oh yeah, here's a crash course on how to do it. This happened while the rest of the world, friends and family were Covid homebound.
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One happy mama |
Immediately, Lauren and Ryan were smitten and in love. It's a new love. One that we do not feel until a baby is placed in our arms to keep forever and ever. They were, as all new parents are, forever changed. After all the visits to her regular OB doctor, then the fetal specialist, the fetal MRI, the potential issues for little Brooks, then the amnio, the gestational diabetes, and the pregnancy anemia. All that caused Lauren to deem "her body an unsafe place for a child" all vanished on his Birth Day. The tears, fears and concerns all washed away with a miracle baby in her arms. Truly, every baby is a miracle and blessing from God. Brooks is the miracle given to Lauren and Ryan, and after the trials and tribulations to get here, he's arrived safely. And he's healthy, happy and here. What a blessing and we all were most grateful that everyone is okay. God is good. All those prayers answered. The grace bestowed upon Brooks is something I can't wait to tell God "thank you" for - in spirit and soul. When I step off the curb and head up to chitty chat with God, that's the first thing that I plan on saying. Thank you for allowing Brooks to be Brooks - and for his safe arrival.
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And one proud dad |
Now what, you ask. The pan in the face at the hospital hits you again once you arrive home. All this recovery from the shock and awe and the recovery from the physical side of it comes into play. All while Ryan is trying to do everything in the periphery. The learning curve for a first newborn is a steep hill to climb. Within the week, they were in the usual routine: feed, burp, change diaper, repeat. Sleep is in there, too, but primarily for Brooks. Mom and Dad are learning to function on mere hours of sleep and rest.
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Who needs sleep when you can stare at his cute little self |
As we speak, the breast pumping, bottle making/cleaning, diaper changing, baby laundry plus the other myriad of things are all happening. I've been blessed to have spent the night several times and have Brooks ALL to myself. All night, and yes, that's okay. Tonight is David's opportunity to spend the night with Brooks, and then tomorrow I go back for a 3 day visit (while Ryan heads back to work) and spend time with Brooks - but even more importantly - with Lauren. My baby.
Lauren and Ryan will catch up on sleep when Brooks is about 2 years old. But just like all parents, we adapt and move forward knowing that sacrifice is the name of the game. It's a parent's favorite game - sacrifice for the one we love the most. Our child.
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David made him his first cake |
Brooks is 0 years old, 0 months old and loved from a place of love that cannot be described with words. Ryan and Lauren look into his eyes with little hearts in their eyes. Their souls are beaming with gratitude for this journey, and what it's taught them. They've become stronger, more bonded and learning to recognize the importance of what each of them brings to the table. They do things differently to get to the same end results. They do things the same in some ways. Yet, the skills and efforts they put forward work in unison to grow their family. One day at a time. One hour at a time right now, actually.
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What love looks like |
This journey may sound a lot like your own journey - or that of a friend or family member. We are all in it together, and this in turn bonds all of us. The journey of raising a child has just begun for Lauren and Ryan, as Brooks is not yet 2 weeks old. He's new like a shiny penny with the potential of becoming anything he desires to be. To live in a free country, to feel safe, to be loved, with a roof over our heads and food to eat - Brooks has the world at his fingertips and his parents eyes to gaze lovingly in. He's busy memorizing every line on their face right now. And they are absorbing every moment.
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I don't think I've ever seen you happier |
To my sweet Lauren, you do hard things and show it's possible to move through them with grace. Your instinctual mothering to Brooks will keep him safe and sound, and loved to the moon and back. Keep being you. To my son-in-law Ryan, you ooze fatherhood from every pore of your being. Keep being you. Because if you're not you, whose going to be you. You're leaving the yesterday behind, to be right where you were meant to be. With Brooks in your arms.
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Your angel has arrived |
As Ryan and Lauren shine their bright lights on their precious baby, I'm over here beaming as a new Nana. I've got his race car bed ready, but first, bottles and breastmilk is on the agenda. I'm in no hurry, as every moment is a memory to make. It's all about staring in his eyes right now. Smiling and cooing, knowing that I'm now "that Nana". Finally (just kidding about the finally, Lauren. I just love to use the word finally). It's become one of our keywords in life......finally.
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And so it begins...... |
So as one chapter closes in my book, another opens in Lauren and Ryan's. Once a child is born, it's very quickly forgotten what it was like before this blessed event, as everything has shifted in the best way possible. Sleep, what was that? Having a lazy Sunday, don't remember that either. Yet somehow, there's nothing we'd rather do than raise a child all our own. It is the greatest gift of all - with the exception of becoming a Nana, of course. That is right up there with birthing my own sweet Lauren. I didn't think an event could feel that same way, but quickly found out that a grand child is the way to go, the whole time.
Let's do this,